Multiracial Students May Have More Problems in School
Pedro Noguera, Sussman Visiting Professor of Education, said the needs of multiracial students are more likely to be overlooked than those of their single-race classmates.
Pedro Noguera, Sussman Visiting Professor of Education, said the needs of multiracial students are more likely to be overlooked than those of their single-race classmates. "In a lot of school districts, these kids are invisible," and Noguera also pointed out that little data has been collected about these students' experiences.
Noguera believes this is particularly evident in schools that have strong racially defined groups. Students of mixed races may feel that they are in "borderland" with no sense of belonging.
The article, entitled "Mixed-Race Youths Found More Prone to School Troubles," appeared in the November 12 edition of Education Week.
Published Friday, Dec. 19, 2003