Do Cram Schools Work? | Teachers College Columbia University

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Do Cram Schools Work?

While the question persists regarding whether cram schools yield intended outcomes, the fact is that they are increasing in popularity.
While the question persists regarding whether cram schools yield intended outcomes, the fact is that they are increasing in popularity. The Asian-run schools are now even becoming popular among non-Asian parents who want their children to have more of an academic edge. But do cram schools work? TC President Arthur Levine pointed out that no research has been done about their success but said, "Tutoring helps with all kinds of things."

Cram schools are designed to help students prepare for examinations like those required for college admission and entrance to New York City's specialized science high schools by teaching test-taking strategies. Levine said, "Asians have frequently been called the 'model minority' and have records of successful academic achievement." Because stereotyping does exists, he thinks the cram schools are inadvertently benefiting from the "model minority" label.

The article, entitled "Taking Lessons From Another Culture," appeared in the October 20 edition of the
New York Times.

Published Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003


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