Long Term Service Reception at Teachers College
This year's Long Term Service reception was a time for the TC Community to personally greet honorees, sign individual cards, and enjoy desserts and fruit. The reception honored employees with full-time continuous service who have reached a milestone year of 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 years effective July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. Sarah Phillips, Maggie Garnier Joseph, Michele Oberly, and Corine Best Campbell were on the Recognition Committee.
35 Years of Service
Barbara Burke, Student Accounts
Evelyn Jackson, Student Accounts
Bobbie Purnell, Admissions
Dominga Tatis, Facilities/Whittier
Linda Wooten, Career Services
30 Years of Service
John Astore, Facilities
Howard Chislett, Doctoral Studies
John Vincent, Math, Science and Technology
Jim Young, Sr., Security
25 Years of Service
R.L. Daly, Library
Betty Engel, Word Processing
Ida Esannason, Curriculum and Teaching
Joe Gilchrist, Seth Low
Kenneth Harper, Seth Low
Rocky Schwarz, Document Services
20 Years of Service
Zoraida Grady, Duplicating Services
Bill Manning, Security
15 Years of Service
Karen Harris, Library
Gary Lord, Security
Mike Mejias, Seth Low
Patricia Osbourne, Registrar
Marion Speights-Magas, Registrar
Published Tuesday, Sep. 9, 2003