TC Remembers 9/11 Two Years Later
TC hasn't forgotten the tragic events that happened on September 11,, 2001. The TC community commemorated the anniversary with two moments of silence, a community journal and space for reflection.
At 8:46 am, the time of the first strike against the World Trade Center, the bells of St. Paul's Chapel tolled in unison with the bells of all houses of worship across the city and the College observed a moment of silence. At 9:03 am, the time of the second impact, the bells tolled again and another moment of silence was observed. In addition, TC provided space in the cafeteria for the Community to write their reflections in a journal and take a moment to reflect on this anniversary. Shown here is Helen Paczkowski, a Organizational Psychology student writing her thoughts into the book.
Published Monday, Oct. 6, 2003