List of full-time staff hired, promoted or transferred since the last newsletter.
Following is a list of full-time staff hired, promoted or transferred since the last newsletter.
- Anthony, Jessica. Research and Program Coordinator, New Teacher Academy, x8236.
Anderson, Gerard. Director of Student Aid, x3702. - Bohaboy, Kathleen (Kasey). Program Coordinator, Cahn Fellows Program, TC Innovations, 404-7821 x104.
- Bolster, Brian. Administrative Assistant (promotion), Hollingworth Pre-School, x3851.
- Burgos, Ines. Academic Secretary, Organization and Leadership, x3760.
- Colon, Denise. Fieldwork Coordinator, Counseling and Clinical Psychology, x3320.
- Cooney, Michael. TC Advisor (transfer), NafET, x3432.
- Corrigan, Elizabeth. Junior Staff Developer, Reading and Writing Project, x3104.
- Esterle, Cynthia. Program Assistant, Klingenstein Fellows, x3156.
- Franco, Rebeca. Project Director, NYPAC/New York Physicians Against Cancer, Health and Behavior Studies, x3990.
- Galgono, Jessica. Clinical Supervisor, Biobehavioral Sciences, x3889.
- Gantt, Kevin. Director of Finance, National Center for Children and Families, x3337.
- Heredia-O'Neill, Carmen. Secretary, Facilities Office, x3010.
- Kanibir, Muhammet Nabi. Staff Associate, NYPAC, Health and Behavior Studies, x3889.
- Kaplan, Ely. Computer Applications Specialist, Enrollment Services, x3399.
- Krawczyk, Brian. Librarian (promotion), Milbank Memorial Library, 4104.
- Mayyasi, Omar. Financial Analyst, Budget and Planning Office, x3804.
- Ontaneda, Evelyn. Research Assistant, National Center for Children and Families, x8112.
- Ozier, Lance. TC Advisor, NAfET, x3689.
- Perkowski, Henry (Hank). Associate Controller, Office of the Controller, x8206.
- Sada, Linda. Special Events Coordinator, Development and External Affairs, x8147.
- Samonek, Brian. Department Secretary, Arts and Humanities, x3799.
- Shah, Ami. Junior Staff Developer, Reading and Writing Project, x3104.
- Sloan, Brady. Associate Registrar (promotion) , Office of the Registrar, x3226.
- Tettey, Naa-Solo. Admission Assistant, Admissions Office, x3710.
- Tosch, Mary. Administrative Assistant, New Teacher Academy, x8236.
- Trotman, Gylynthia. Community Health Educator, NYPAC, Health and Behavior Studies, x3990.
- Velez, Ana. Secretary, Center for Educational and Psychological Services, x3262.
Published Friday, Sep. 3, 2004