The Injustice of Social-Justice Education | Teachers College Columbia University

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The Injustice of Social-Justice Education

Ayers and his mentor Maxine Greene persuaded Teachers College Press to launch a series of books on social justice teaching, with Ayers as editor and Greene serving on the editorial board (along with Rashid Khalidi, loyal supporter of the Palestinian cause and the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University) in 1997. Twelve volumes have appeared today, including one titled Teaching Science for Social Justice.

Ayers and his mentor Maxine Greene persuaded Teachers College Press to launch a series of books on social justice teaching, with Ayers as editor and Greene serving on the editorial board (along with Rashid Khalidi, loyal supporter of the Palestinian cause and the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University) in 1997.  Twelve volumes have appeared today, including one titled Teaching Science for Social Justice.

Teacher's College Professor Angela Calabrese Barton, the volume's principal author, explains the reason for teaching science for social justice. "The marriages between capitalism and education and capitalism and science have created a foundation for science education that emphasizes corporate values at the expense of social justice and human dignity."

The alternative is that "Science pedagogy framed around social justice concerns can become a medium to transform individuals, schools, communities, the environment, and science itself, in ways that promote equity and social justice. Creating a science education that is transformative implies not only how science is a political activity but also the ways in which students might see and use science and science education in ways transformative of the institutional and interpersonal power structures that play a role in their lives."

This article appeared in the August 3, 2006 edition of The New Criterion. 

Published Friday, Sep. 22, 2006

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