Council President's Message
Dear Alumni: It was with great pride that I had the opportunity to address the thousands of guests at the Inauguration of TC's 10th president on January 31, representing all of TC's alumni. An alumna herself, Dr. Fuhrman stresses the importance of celebrating TC's rich heritage. As president of the alumni council, I am humbled to serve as the link between you and our new President.
Dear Alumni: It was with great pride that I had the opportunity to address the thousands of guests at the Inauguration of TC's 10th president on January 31, representing all of TC's alumni. An alumna herself, Dr. Fuhrman stresses the importance of celebrating TC's rich heritage. As president of the alumni council, I am humbled to serve as the link between you and our new President. l The fall was extremely busy for the council, creating opportunities to celebrate the legacy Dr. Fuhrman refers to throughout this issue. Alumni are an essential part of that, and last October's Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner and our Academic Homecoming are great proof. l As alumni, we play an important part in moving the mission of the College forward and in enriching the lives of the College's current students. l Attend an academic program at Teachers College or at our newly accredited satellite location in Japan and you will learn of the vital research and teaching that is taking place at TC. You may also choose to have a more immediate and direct effect by becoming a mentor or ambassador or making a gift to the TC Annual Fund.
l Whatever it is you choose to do, the importance lies in reconnecting in a way that is appropriate and comfortable for you. I invite you to explore this and coming issues with an open mind--finding your point of reentry into the TC community.
Published Wednesday, Apr. 25, 2007