In the News on August 17, 2007
Schools show limited progress in NCLB standards * NH communities drop funding suit, with a caveat * VA Gov Trims Pre-K Proposal * Passing marks out of reach for Mo. kids?
Omaha World Herald
NH communities drop funding suit, with a caveat
Christian Science Monitor
AK’s Joint Legislative Education Funding Task Force tentatively endorsed plan to change how school districts are compensated
Fairbanks Daily News Miner
FL considers chopping the DARE program from the state budget
St. Petersburh Times
VA Gov Trims Pre-K Proposal
California Students Show Only Minimal Test Gains
Education Week
Passing marks out of reach for Mo. kids?
New Jersey Schools Show Small Gain in Standards
New York Times
Schools show limited progress in NCLB standards
NJ Herald News
Published Monday, Aug. 20, 2007