In the News the week of December 3-7, 2007
Merit pay for principals gains new policy attention; despite a lack or research, some suspect that Congress will define “highly qualified principal” just as it has “highly qualified teacher”
Civil Rights panel studies minorities in special education to make recommendations on the minority-overrepresentation issue
School Funding Litigation/Policy
AL governor plans to boost state spending on pre-kindergarten to $80 million a year by 2011, increasing the number of 4-year-olds enrolled in the program by more than 18,600 children
LA governor says the state economy is strong enough for education to remain a top spending priority even after record increases earlier this year
Special ed advocates fear that NJ school districts with the best programs will be penalized under Corzine’s school aid formula
PA educators meet to discuss the recent costing-out study
SD Gov. says that a lawsuit over the state’s school-aid formula has cost almost $1 million to defend
WV educators discuss funding priorities for 2008 session
State Roundup
AR Gov. says making the state's preschool program available to all children is still one of his goals, though he could not say how quickly it might happen
Teacher unions launch radio ad to tap public sympathy in the wake of D.C. Chancellor Rhee's announcement that she plans to close 23 schools
KY Education Commissioner tells the State Board of Education he wants to instill in his department and all Kentuckians a sense of urgency in improving student achievement
Senate Republicans urge MN to opt out of NCLB, even if it means the loss of $150 million in federal aid
School Integration
NJ school districts work to combat racial disproportionality in special education with an early focus on literacy and behavioral issues in typical classrooms
Other News
U.S. Supreme Court asks the Bush administration for its views on a long-running lawsuit that contends that a NY teacher-certification exam has a disparate impact on black and Latino teachers in the NYC school system
School Funding Litigation/Policy
Analysts expect a continued slowdown in the growth of revenue collections and spending in fiscal 2008, but they say school budgets will likely be spared from harm unless economic conditions worsen considerably
State Roundup
CO governor lays out specifics on how to get more at-risk kids in preschool, send 22,000 students to full-day kindergarten and hire dozens more guidance counselors to keep high schoolers from dropping out
CT endorses proposal under a plan designed to capture public input and to take people's best ideas for school reform,0,3573607.story
Report says common methods used by MD to improve test scores in underperforming schools have had little effect, but other approaches could lead to better results
SC bill would require districts to explore choice options, but districts would have the final say
Unusual instructional approach, which includes mixing students at various levels of English proficiency, may yield gains for English language learners
State Roundup
Plans to expand AL.'s Pre-K program incorporate Head Start sites, and officials say the move “will make sure quality isn't sacrificed for growth”
AZ English language instruction case goes to federal court, and judge suggests that factions hold their own peace talks
Angry parents and community leaders question D.C. school closings in a town hall meeting
D.C. school-redistricting forum draws 2000 people, and most parents say they oppose any move to uproot their children
FL is ranked number one in the nation for a distinction that is widely seen as the gold seal for good teaching, but its lucrative bonus program that has spurred so many teachers to get certified is coming under increasing scrutiny
NYC names six schools that will be shut down after earning poor grades
Report says PA laptop program is making students more engaged in class but questions whether school districts will be able to keep up with maintenance costs,0,88651.story
Gov. Kaine says VA’s budget troubles won't stop him from pursuing expansion of pre-kindergarten programs because “there can be no better long-term investment”
Title I formula is no NCLB barrier – Amid the reauthorization debate, no one has brought up the question of how best to give out billions of dollars a year under the law
Commentary – With NCLB reauthorization on hold, we should move toward common standards and fewer excuses
Analysts find little evidence that ED in ’08, an attempt to make K-12 education a top issue in the presidential election, is succeeding in giving education issues a high profile
School Funding Litigation/Policy
GA school administrators who sued the state over education funding remain determined despite growing impatience over waiting more than three years for the case to come to court
Gov. Corzine reveals that preliminary estimates indicate up to two-thirds of NJ districts would get a marked increase in funding under his upcoming school funding plan
NJ funding proposal would expand preschool, but education advocate warns that the new formula is being crafted to control other costs, not to meet the real expenses for teaching children
UT task force supports a draft bill that would equalize the tax-collection effort by the state and counties for capital projects in school districts,5143,695233131,00.html
State Roundup
AZ’s protracted legal battle over public-school policies for teaching English to non-native speakers has been cast in a variety of ways, but it’s really all about the money
SC Superintendent of Education asks for grass-roots support for his fast paced education reform agenda
VT Commissioner of Education proposes consolidation of school districts, claiming that many districts are too small to be able to provide the opportunities that students deserve
WA report says that teacher experience, and not advanced degrees, has a greater effect on how well students succeed
NCLB is at a crossroads as overhaul stalls in Congress and proposals draw rancor amid calls for change
UT Rep. Cannon and Education Advisory Committee offer recommendation to improve NCLB: “keep kids the focus”,5143,695232758,00.html
Opinion – Quality education gets lost in translation: One teacher explains how NCLB requirements hurt schools that have influx of immigrants
School Funding Litigation/Policy
Top GA lawmaker pushes to replace local property taxes for education with a statewide sales tax; court battle looms and education advocate says a “perfect storm” over school finance is brewing in the state
MT’s financial support of rural schools lags behind other states
Poor non-urban NJ districts await Gov. Corzine’s revised school aid plan
NY stands to fight a court order to stop making "unconstitutional" payments – The judgment would require the state to choose between wounding municipalities getting the payments or creating a uniform policy that might be extremely expensive for the state
SD democratic leader calls for additional state spending on school districts and says he hopes for a budget that “returns to common sense”
State Roundup
CA public schools dominate in national ranking of high schools with 23 campuses in the list of the top 100,1,493422.story?track=rss
Percentage of credentialed teachers has risen dramatically in CA, according to report
CA teacher union's proposal calls for local, grass roots control over schools and gives instructors more breathing room to formulate curricula,1,6018033.story?track=rss
FL’s high-school graduation rate is still on the rise and the dropout rate is down, giving the state its rosiest graduation outlook in nearly a decade,0,7017209.story
OK task force considers pre-K funding options in its push to boost early education
Analysis shows that OR schools whose students are behind in reading and math have turned down federal aid intended to help those students in order to dodge NCLB consequences and pressures
Unusually high rate of TN children in special education classes has some experts concerned children are being pushed out of regular classes to help improve test scores
Published Monday, Dec. 10, 2007