TC Names Judy Chadourne as Interim Vice President for Development and External Affairs
Teachers College has named Judy Chadourne, an experienced development officer who retired in 2003 as Vice President of University Advancement at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), as its Interim Vice President for Development and External Affairs.
Teachers College has named Judy Chadourne, an experienced development officer who retired in 2003 as Vice President of University Advancement at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), as its Interim Vice President for Development and External Affairs.
Chadourne, who takes up her responsibilities on July 16th, led a $182 million capital campaign at NJIT, a public doctoral granting university with a student body of 8,500, where she also staffed the Board of Overseers. She guided the effort – the largest in the institution’s history – from its initial case statement and selection of leaders to completion at a level well beyond the initial target.
“In Judy, TC is fortunate to have a sure and experienced hand to guide its development efforts while we conduct a search to fill the position on a permanent basis” said TC President Susan Fuhrman in announcing Chadourne’s appointment. Fuhrman praised Chadourne’s “excellent track record of more than 20 years in fundraising.”
Chadourne said she was “excited about the opportunity to work at TC, where there are so many talented and knowledgeable people, and in particular, with Susan Fuhrman.
“What TC and NJIT have in common is that each has a compelling mission that speaks to the future competitiveness of the nation and an alumni population that, while far flung, has strong emotional ties to the institution,” she said. “The development challenge is to fully identify and reach out to that base and beyond, reconnect its members with the institution and the mission, and, ultimately, raise their sights for what giving can accomplish, both for the school and in terms of the greater impact on people’s lives.”
Chadourne, who says she decided to come out of retirement specifically for the chance to work at Teachers College, called herself “a great believer in the power of education.
“It’s amazing and disappointing to me that we’re hearing so little about education from our presidential candidates thus far,” she said.
Prior to her work at NJIT, Chadourne served as Development Director for St Hubert’s Giralda Animal Welfare in Madison, New Jersey and as a senior consultant for Brakely John Price Jones, fundraising consultants in Stamford, CT, and Robert Semple Associates, in Nutley, NJ. Her volunteer commitments have included board positions with the New Philharmonic of New Jersey, the Morris Area Girl Scouts Council and the Women’s Association of Morristown Memorial Hospital. She currently serves as program director for the Friends of The Morris Museum, provides marketing assistance to the Newark Museum, and is a tutor with Literacy Volunteers.
Chadourne holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from Skidmore College and an MA in English Literature from Hunter College.
Published Thursday, Jul. 12, 2007