Part of going to graduate school is learning how to function in academia -- and there is nothing more central to the academic life than the academic conference.
Part of going to graduate school is learning how to function in academia -- and there is nothing more central to the academic life than the academic conference.
To that end, the College will host a daylong Graduate Student Conference on Education, Politics, and Social Policy this Monday, March 26th, from 9:45 to 5 pm in 179 Grace Dodge Hall. Student organizations will present information posters from 12:15 to 1:15.
Entirely student initiated and orchestrated, the conference will enable students and faculty to come together and examine current issues in education, politics and social policy, both in the United States and abroad. Ester Fuchs, Former Special Advisor to Mayor Bloomberg, will be the keynote speaker. Sharon Lynn Kagan, TC's Associate Dean for Policy and Research, will deliver closing remarks. The student organizers -- Chad d'Entremont, Rachel Hare, Anna Johnson, Heather Schwartz, Kate Tarrant, and Terrenda White -- have involved not only Teachers College students and faculty, but also those from SIPA, The School for Social Work, and Columbia proper.
The event is sponsored by the Politics and Education Program and the Office of Policy and Research, in conjunction with the Policy Student Network
Published Thursday, Mar. 22, 2007