Experience the Equity Symposium Online Live and in Second Life. Also available as Podcasts.
The TC Equity Campaign is pleased to announce that the event will be available online as both a live webcast and as podcasts. Select sessions will also be viewable live in Second Life.
Live Webcast (http://www.tcequity.org/symposium)
Web streaming of the Symposium will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday, November 12th. To watch online you will need an up to date version of the free Quicktime Player from Apple (http://www.apple.com/quicktime). After Quicktime is installed, visit http://www.tcquity.org/symposium for a link to the webcast. Both days will be broadcasted.
Podcasts of the sessions will be available through out the conference from iTunesU. In order to listen to and download the sessions, you will need iTunes installed on your computer (http://www.apple.com/itunes). After iTunes is installed, please visit iTunesU and subscribe to the Symposium web cast. You will also find video and downloads from previous year's Symposiums. The iTunesU store front is a new addition to TC's online presence and is being developed the Office of the Web and Academic Computing.
A schedule of events for the Equity Symposium is posted near the amphitheater in Second Life on the Teachers College Educator's Island. You can make your way there by following the instructions found by clicking here. TC's ever growing presence in Second Life is developed by the Communication, Computers and Technology Education (CCTE) program and Academic Computing.
Published Friday, Nov. 9, 2007