A New Bill
Speaking outside [teachers ] [college ]at [columbia ]
university yesterday, the group is proposing a bill that would make
using a noose as a tl for harassment a felony.
It's back to class for bench at the school's football field over the
weekend, the racial slur --Which included the "n" word --Was written
in black marker on the visiting team's bench. The mckee-staten island
tech seagulls were facing off against the harlem fighters, a team
made up of mostly black players from 13 upper Manhattan high schools.
weekend, the racial slur --Which included the "n" word --Was written
in black marker on the visiting team's bench. The mckee-staten island
tech seagulls were facing off against the harlem fighters, a team
made up of mostly black players from 13 upper Manhattan high schools.
The harlem coach tells the NY Times he noticed the gametime. Duke
fergerson says he reported it to a school security officer, who
called the police. But, he tells the paper, he was then approached by
an Assistant Vice Principal from Staten Island Tech who urged him to
let the meanwhile some local lawmakers want to make hanging a noose a felony.
Speaking outside [Teachers ] [College ]at [Columbia ] University yesterday, the group is proposing a bill that would make using a noose as a tool for harassment a felony. They're calling for nooses to be added to a law that makes it a felony to draw a swastika on private property. "Just as the swastika rips at the heart of those who have experienced anti-semitic incidents, this is a symbol of hate."
"When it happens again in 2007, you say has anything changed. Are,
people not aware when you see this that it means horrible things that
have happened in the past in our country." within the past week, both
a noose and a drawing of a man with a swastika were discovered on the
university's campus.
This article appeared on the Octobe r 15, 2007 edition of the New York Local Channel 1 News.
New York 1 Local Cable
Published Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007