In the News the Week of October 1-5, 2007
School Integration
Other News
Does the Teach for
States turn to seniors for help in classroom
School Funding Litigation/Policy
MD Gov. O’Malley proposes cutting increases to education aid by $207 million in fiscal 2009
State Roundup
IN participates in a federal pilot program that allows schools to provide earlier access to free tutoring for low-income students
ME Gov. issues recommendations to tackle cost-sharing barriers to school consolidation
NE Department of Education is at odds with lawmakers over statewide testing and accountability systems
NJ judge dismisses a lawsuit that seeks education vouchers for families whose children attend low-performing schools
UT Gov. signs the nation's most comprehensive voucher program into law
In the News on October 4, 2007
School Integration
Hartford Superintendent of Schools disappoints desegregation advocates by saying “there is no research to suggest that minority students will do better by sitting next to a white student”,0,2450328.story
Letter to the Editor – “Adequacy’ Movement is Alive and Thriving” in response to Lindseth’s “A Reversal of Fortunes: Why the Courts Have Cooled to Adequacy Lawsuits”
Letter to the Editor – “Adequacy Litigation: Alive and Well” in response to Lindseth’s “A Reversal of Fortunes: Why the Courts Have Cooled to Adequacy Lawsuits”
Study shows that NCLB’s core mission is undermined by wide variations in how states define a passing score
Study finds that the math tests students take under NCLB are harder to pass than the reading tests
Fordham Report, "The Proficiency Illusion," reveals that the tests that states use to measure academic progress under the NCLB Act are creating a false impression of success, especially in reading and especially in the early grades
“Why Johnny Can’t Read, Write, Multiply or Divide” – State education officials react to complaints that tests are too hard
Letter to the Editor – “Shortchanging Kids:” Urging Stamford to demand nothing less than excellence for its children,0,5242256.story
School Funding Litigation/Policy
KY Board of Education calls for tougher state policies to keep the cost of new schools from spiraling out of control after auditors present a report detailing how the cost of the new
State Roundup
Hartford Superintendent of Schools says “major systemic changes will be needed to give inner city students a shot at a good education in CT”
Think tank labels DE testing standards “subpar” and finds that federal rules lead to low expectations
MCAS scores show an "unprecedented" leap in MA student performance
Study finds SC’s standardized tests among the nation's most difficult, and education officials say these findings confirm that it is “impossible to compare the quality of education between states by test scores alone”
In the News on October 3, 2007
School Integration
MD school districts see a demographic swing in Charles County, but Board of Education Chairman assures that “just because it's gone majority-minority doesn't mean that the quality of the education has dropped"
Opinion: “Get Congress Out of the Classroom” – the NCLB Act is fundamentally flawed
A new organization is launched to promote an extended school day and school year as a means of ensuring that all children receive a rigorous and well-rounded education
State Roundup
CT cities and towns consider suing the state because millions of dollars for local school construction projects are tied up in a political impasse at the Capitol,0,7421513.story
Class-action lawsuit accuses HI for failing to help homeless children get to and from public schools and urges court intervention
Officials have blamed FL’s low test performance on schools, teachers and students, but critics say the problem is the test itself,0,4124227.story
KY’s test scores expose learning gaps among black, low-income and learning-disabled students
MI implements tougher high school requirements, but the president of the state Education Association says “it's a financial liability for school districts” because "everything the state mandates, it doesn't fund"
Advocates for children in poor urban schools ask NJ Supreme Court to force school construction
With the other two branches of government not yet moving, the NJ Supreme Court has again been asked to revive the state’s troubled school construction program
Critics accuse top Education Department officials of siding with NY schools over parents in special education rulings and for favoritism in decisions
About maximizing classroom time and school activities and how OK stacks up
Experts consider mandatory testing and conclude that one of the biggest problems facing TX teachers and students is trying to juggle two accountability standards
In the News on October 2, 2007
In what pre-K supporters call a “trickle-up” effect, three federal plans have been offered for tying preschool education to NCLB
Other News
Editorial – Our Schools Must do Better: “What’s needed is a wholesale transformation of the public school system”
Commentary – Government of the People: Make “citizenship as important a priority as standardized-test scores”
Congress will likely slash teacher-ed grants under pending bills
Supreme Court hears disputes on private school payments: Appeals lawyer argues “taxpayers shouldn't be asked to pick up the cost of private schooling for special education children who don't first give public schools a chance”
Campaign chairman, Roy Romer, discusses Ed in ’08’s goals and focus
States increase Pre-K spending
Growing numbers of elementary schools are practicing “intruder drills,” but some worry that the exercises might actually heighten children’s fears for their safety
Commentary – Drawing parallels between charter and alternative high schools
School Funding Litigation/Policy
AL’s Education Trust Fund’s tax collections grew by a much lower rate than the in the previous two years; the slower growth means "the state may have to dip into reserves" to meet budgeted spending
State student leaders urge Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign a bill that would allow undocumented students who grew up in the state to apply for grants and community-college tuition waivers
Study says that students retained for a year under FL’s test-based promotion policy slightly outperformed students with similar test scores who were promoted to the next grade in previous years
Panel says that HI needs better controls to fight bullying on high school campuses
Study shows that IL taxpayers are getting a great return on their investment in community colleges, one of the largest economic engines in the state
Audit suggests that LA might have received $6 million more in federal hurricane aid than it was entitled to during Katrina because it did not have “adequate systems of internal control” to provide accurate counts of students displaced by the storms
Increased violence in MA middle schools raises concern, and district attorney says it’s “troubling and surprising that violence is impacting younger and younger people”
More MN and ND families take advantage of “ open enrollment laws” that allow students to attend school outside their districts, and districts with declining enrollment lose funding alongside their students§ion=news&forumcomm_check_return&freebie_check&CFID=56778832&CFTOKEN=29733424&jsessionid=8830a27105417f78613b
NJ experiments with a biology "performance assessment" to test students in practical ways, by using a model requiring proof of knowledge through performance of tasks or experiments on paper
New state law increased the age students are legally allowed to drop out of high school in NV from 17 to 18, and critics say the new law might result in higher drop out rates
In the News on October 1, 2007
As lawmakers continue backroom negotiations over the future of NCLB, President Bush urges them to move the bill along
“NAEP Gains: Experts Mull Significance” - Some experts hesitate from directly linking NAEP results to NCLB by arguing that it’s not a matter of cause and effect
Commentary: Spending Our Research Dollars on the ‘Big Questions’
Opinion: “Preserve education reform law”
Other News
When should taxes pay for private tuition?
School Funding Litigation/Policy
Business group, and some teachers, oppose initiative to provide more money for CA community colleges
GA’s Department of Education is scheduled to approve a new classroom spending rule in December, but it wants feedback from the public about consequences and waiver options
IL State Board of Education says it will withhold $617 million in general state aid until lawmakers resolve the “budget battle” and determine public school funding
State Roundup
“Schools at a Crossroad:” CA confronts hard lessons as public education faces crisis and student enrollment declines
DE school administrators say there are countless influences to explain why students at certain schools always tend to score better than at others
GA sees fewer high school dropouts this year, but officials have their eyes set on higher improvement and work to restore a $1 billion lag in K-12 funding to put the necessary resources behind helping students graduate
NCLB falls short for many in KY, and some experts say goals for students with special needs are unrealistic
Department of Education cites MO in a harsh monitoring report for circumventing the law in a series of actions that effectively slowed down the clock for NCLB sanctions during the first four years of the law’s implementation
Opinion: NJ makes huge strides in closing the racial gap in school performance, national tests show
Superior Court reviews RI’s Education Commissioner’s ruling on special-ed class sizes
Report says that high school dropouts will cost SC $5 billion in lost tax revenue and increased Medicaid and incarceration costs over 50 years
Union officials criticize a TN teacher pay incentive law aimed at attracting educators to tough-to-fill subjects and schools and rewarding top performers
VA revises special education regulations, and decides that schools could stop delivering a child's special education services without a parent's approval
Published Monday, Oct. 8, 2007