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NYC Schools
Farina and Kotch to Talk Shop
This Tuesday, April 8th, Carmen Farina and Laura Kotch - two former top officials in the New York City Department of Education -- will read from their new book and conduct a discussion with a group of leading public school experts, teachers, officials and principals at Teachers College. The event will take place from 3:30 to 5 pm in TC's Cowin Conference Center.
This Tuesday, April 8th, Carmen Farina and Laura Kotch – two former top officials in the New York City Department of Education – will read from their new book and conduct a discussion with a group of leading public school experts, teachers, officials and principals at Teachers College. The event will take place from 3:30 to 5 pm in TC’s Cowin Conference Center.
The book – A School Leader’s Guide to Excellence (Heinemann, 2008), offers a detailed roadmap to improving school-wide achievement. Their audience at the event will include alumni and current participants in the Cahn Fellows program, the College’s professional development program for high-achieving New York City principals.
Farina and Kotch have held numerous roles in the New York City public schools. Most recently, Farina was the Deputy Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, serving as Number 2 to Chancellor Joel Klein. Kotch was most recently Executive Director of Professional Development and Curriculum. Currently, the two serve as consultants for principals seeking to create structures that improve school-wide teaching and learning.
Published Friday, Apr. 4, 2008