In the News the Week of March 3-7, 2008
In the News on March 7, 2008
Smaller class sizes don’t close learning gaps – high
achievers benefit more from small classes than low achievers, according to
Study looks at how experience in dance, music, theater, and
visual arts might spill over into other areas of learning, and to explore
possible mechanisms for those links in the anatomy of the brain
School Funding Litigation/Policy
AZ school districts challenging the adequacy of programs for
English language learners say a new funding system penalizes districts that
scrimped to improve programs neglected by the state
Lt. Gov. Garamendi and state education leaders issue an open
letter urging CA governor to reconsider $4.8 billion cut
Some ME school districts will receive increased state aid
this coming year, but rural and coastal areas will take a hit
Federal Reading First initiative is not likely to survive if
massive funding cuts are not reversed, according to state directors
State Roundup
Appeals court ruling clamping down on
home-schooling by parents without teaching credentials sends shock waves across
ND education panel hears study results to determine what
constitutes an adequate K-12 education
Only 4 percent of NYC’s elementary schools meet state
requirement for arts education, according to survey
Making high school graduation more
reliant on state standardized tests is not received well in RI
Studies suggest that TX’s performance-pay system could be
having positive effects on teacher attitudes
UT school districts were required to take a second look at
schools that were given good marks due to processes that are not allowed under
state rules, and they find increases in AYP,5143,695259602,00.html
In the News on March 6, 2008
Editorial – VA’s opting out of NCLB would be a costly
mistake: state lawmakers are kidding themselves in claiming that state
practices are sufficient
Other News
Home-schoolers are under
new scrutiny as lawmakers in a number of states seek to more
closely regulate the families who opt to teach their own children
School Funding Litigation/Policy
LA teacher unions say Gov. Bobby
Jindal's education proposals will steer money from public schools and won't
offer adequate pay for teachers or support workers
OK education leaders urge lawmakers to "act immediately"
on a $41.6 million supplemental funding request to prevent local school
districts from slashing their budgets
Despite school funding increases, UT education advocates say
strings attached don't give school districts the flexibility they need to meet
their most pressing needs,5143,695259213,00.html
The Washington Assessment of Student Learning may face
redesign, and cutting back has come down to an issue of money, not educational
WA constitutional amendment aimed at making it easier to
approve school levies already appears to be having the effect supporters
State Roundup
AL Department of Education asks schools to comply with
calendar rules or lose funding
AZ school districts want a delay in a law that requires them
to start providing four hours a day of special instruction to English learners
beginning next school year
GA public schools could have more say in how they spend
their money if they agree to meet certain standards set by the state, but if
they fail, they could be converted into charter schools or put under private
MN bill would require students to stay in school until age
NJ's “alternate route” to teaching has filled huge shortages
with dedicated and energetic newcomers, but report says some cracks have
developed in the system, especially at the elementary level
In the News on March 5, 2008
House members are not making progress on their pledge to
reauthorize the NCLB this year, says leading Republican lawmaker
Other News
Commentary – The US needs a new national strategy
for improving teaching in high-need schools
Push to give school districts greater operating flexibility
resurges as states seek to spur innovation that will help raise student
Commentary – Test
scores should play a supporting rather than a lead role in teacher evaluations,
and school systems should use school-wide scores in their evaluation
calculations, rather than individual teachers’ scores
School Funding Litigation/Policy
KY governor says proposed budget
might cause deep cuts in education spending and agrees to listen to a pitch
from House Democrats to raise revenue by increasing the cigarette tax
NE Legislature's Education Committee
backs plan to reduce hike in school aid
VA advocates warn that proposed funding is
not enough and localities will be forced to cut programs, employ fewer
teachers or raise real estate taxes to pick up the slack in school funding
State Roundup
KS law enforcement officials say putting more children in
pre-kindergarten classrooms now will prevent having to build more prisons later
KY Education Commissioner plans to create a task force to
study education reform in because he doesn't believe the current political
climate will bring about needed changes
Report says MA is not doing enough to provide homeless teens
with a safe place to sleep and the chance to earn a high school diploma
ME Department of Education urges legislative committee to
suspend a bill that would revise the state's high school graduation
NE legislature supports statewide academic tests, which some
say will be harmful to public schools
Can students be paid to excel? NYC experiments with student reward
In the News on March 4, 2008
School Integration
MN voluntary desegregation program does not boost test
scores - for the second year in a row low-income students in the Minneapolis
Public Schools fare better on student achievement tests than those who were
bused to suburban schools
Other News
By next fall U.S.
Secretary of Education will have five teachers on her staff and set
up a group of ad hoc classroom advisers, to bring the teacher voice back into
education policy
New studies find that performance-pay initiatives nationwide
show mixed results on how they affect student achievement, indicating that more
work is needed on these plans
School Funding Litigation/Policy
AK House and Senate approve a
wide-reaching education funding package; governor supports the plan but pushes
for a larger increase to the base student allocation
FL House and Senate committees approve $358
million in budget cuts for public schools and universities
Authors of a much-criticized
school funding plan for NH propose more money for poor towns that would lose
aid under the plan as proposed, in order to rally support
PA governor proposes to give the poorest public school
systems substantial increases in state aid, but faces tough questions from the
State Roundup
AZ makes little headway on agreeing how to adequately pay
for the education of English-language learners, despite recent ruling to
require such a plan
AZ schools chief says it will cost $40.6 million a year to
provide schools with the money needed to teach English to non-native speakers,
but this is a fraction of what schools say they need
Opinion – CA’s flexibility for
alternative education should be coupled with accountability for results
IL rebuffs last-ditch effort by Chicago Public Schools to
delay testing, and Spanish-speaking public school students will have to take
standardized tests in English,1,377129.story
After 5 years of centralized oversight, NY City Council
holds first hearing on Mayor’s control of public schools
RI Department of Education will
hold two public hearings this week on proposed changes to high school
regulations and graduation criteria
Parents and school districts worry that changes to the TX
Assessment of Knowledge and Skills for special-education students will mean
lower scores
In the News on March 3, 2008
School Integration
CT officials consider building magnet schools and increasing the number of slots for city students in the suburbs, to comply with desegregation orders and tackle the difficulties of attracting white students,0,2243191.story
Other News
Experts hope that a new set of national standards for online
teaching may help bring clarity and credibility to an industry that is growing
in both popularity and controversy
School Funding Litigation/Policy
Some NJ school districts would get slightly more state aid
next year than first anticipated under Corzine's new school funding law
WA Education Association and school workers pressure
lawmakers with radio ads urging approval of larger pay increases for teachers,
but the Senate proposes a smaller increase because of the possible recession
and a projected slowdown in state tax revenue growth
State Roundup
CO governor’s proposal to overhaul the public school system
meets cautious support among education groups
D.C. Deputy Mayor for Education advances a plan to help
troubled students get intensive intervention services, including support for
their families, behavior management strategies, and academic help
FL parents support tying teacher pay to student test scores,
according to survey
Percentage of HI public school teachers who meet national
qualification standards increases to about 81 percent
IL will administer high stakes student achievement tests
that could force dramatic changes at some schools
IL schools recruit parents to help prepare kids for the
state exams, and they use pep rallies and prizes to motivate students,0,5912183.story
PA School administrators and the State Board of Education discuss a plan to tie
high school graduation to state-approved tests, but educators don't believe
state leaders
WA plans to tweak state achievement test because of huge
jump in test costs
Published Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008