Research Highlights
Writing the Book on Language
R. Douglas Greer reported that normally-developing second graders taught with methods typically used for children with autism and other linguistic development disorders achieved an average grade equivalence in reading and math in excess of fourth grade. Many of the children were eligible for free or reduced lunch, or were special education students or English language learners.
Smile—But Maybe Not When Your Heart Is Breaking
In studies published by the American Psychological Association, George Bonanno and colleagues found, first, that among Columbia University freshmen newly arrived in New York City during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the ability to smile or laugh after watching a sad film predicted better social networks and better emotional and mental adjustment. However, among late adolescent girls and young adult women who had survived childhood sexual abuse, genuine laughter and smiling while talking about their abuse predicted worse social adjustment over time.
A Firsthand Look at Quality Teaching
The Teachers College Record published “Making Teaching Public,” an online exhibition by Thomas Hatch that combines videos, photographs and more to document teaching and learning in challenging
Education, Very Broadly Defined
Hervé Varenne guest-edited “Explorations in the Theory of Education: Anthropological Perspectives,” a special issue of the Teachers College Record that documented the self-education of slaves in the early U.S., Hmong girls in Thailand, and other people in a wide range of settings and historical conditions.
Thought for Food
In Nutrition Education: Linking Research, Theory and Practice, Isobel Contento provides health workers with behavioral, psychological and educational strategies to get people to change their eating behaviors. The book stresses increasing awareness and motivation; facilitating the ability to take action; and promoting environmental supports for action.
Speaking Truths with Power Chords
Lyrics to rock music “can be a lighthearted but engaging means to think about some profound issues of living,” writes Barry Farber in Rock ’n’ Roll Wisdom: What Psychologically Astute Lyrics Teach About Life and Love. “Great songwriters offer the virtue of a more palatable way of learning than through the often-tedious pages of textbooks.”
Getting Back to Basics—Before It’s Too Late
Dolores Perin authored or co-authored papers in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Scientific Studies in Education and the book Best Practices in Writing on the teaching of writing to adolescents. Supported by a Carnegie Corporation of
Getting Ready for Pre-K and Later Life
“School Readiness and Later Achievement,” a study co-authored by Jeanne Brooks-Gunn in Developmental Psychology, found that a child’s mastery of numbers and other early math concepts were the most powerful predictors of later learning. Non-academic variables such as “externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors and social skills” were not predictive, with one exception: young children who had trouble concentrating in school were more likely to have academic trouble later on.
On Aging Artfully
In her study “Above Ground,” Joan Jeffri awards 213 elderly
Equity Research Grants for Students
The Campaign for Educational Equity announced its first grants to enable TC students to research equity-related topics not currently addressed in the College’s curriculum—particularly on such issues as problems faced by students of color in college and university settings. The grants consist of a graduate assistantship award of $1,500 and three tuition points.
How to Prepare Education Researchers
Anna Neumann and Aaron Pallas, along with Penelope Peterson, Dean of Northwestern University’s
Assessing the Demand for High School Programs
At the inaugural conference of the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, Aaron Pallas and Carolyn Riehl presented research showing that, among
Published Tuesday, May. 20, 2008