Guidelines for TC Weather-Related Closings
A message from the College's Provost and Vice President for Finance and Administration about procedures to follow during inclement weather.
With winter just about upon us, please note the following procedures regarding decisions and communications about weather-related closings of the College:
- The College will remain open unless a closing is announced on the TC webpage/portal or to students and employees via TCAlert. Members of the TC community should also check the College’s general switchboard number (212 678-3000) for a recorded announcement and tune in to the following radio and television stations for public announcement that the College has closed:
- WOR Radio
- WCBS Radio
- 1010 WINS Radio
- WABC Radio
- New York 1
- Fox 5
- Should the College close for weather-related reasons, the official re-opening of the College will be announced on the College’s webpage/portal and an email will be sent to all employees and students.
- Closings of public schools or other colleges and institutions do NOT automatically mean that Teachers College will close. While the College will monitor actions taken by the New York City public school system and by other colleges and universities, any decision to close will ultimately be based upon an assessment of the College’s own ability to maintain appropriate services. However, if New York City requests all non-essential businesses to close, or if the City’s mass transit system has been significantly impaired, the College will close and a confirming notice will be issued through the channels outlined above.
- The decision to close the College will be made by the Provost and the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA). The President of the College will be advised prior to implementation of closing.
- If the College makes the decision to close:
- The Director of Public Safety will issue a TCAlert message.
- The Vice President for Development and External Affairs will have the College’s webpage updated, notifications sent to the media, and a College-wide email sent to all employees. The Vice Provost will forward an email to all students.
- Each senior staff member will assume responsibility for informing the members of their respective staffs.
The decision to re-open will follow the same procedures as described for closing the school.
Harvey Spector Tom James
Vice President Provost and Dean
Finance and Administration
Published Friday, Dec. 18, 2009