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TC's Allegrante Named Editor of Leading Public Health Journal
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education and Deputy Provost of Teachers College, has been appointed editor-in-chief of Health Education & Behavior (HEB), the flagship peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE).
Beginning with Volume 38 in February of 2011, Allegrante will succeed Marc A. Zimmerman, of the University of Michigan School of Public Health, who has served as editor since 1998.
“We are delighted to have such a distinguished scholar assuming the leadership of Health Education & Behavior to continue the journal’s outstanding legacy,” said Diane Allensworth, SOPHE President and Associate Director of Education Partnerships in the Department of Partnerships and Strategic Alliances at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, in announcing Allegrante’s appointment. “Dr. Allegrante brings both breadth and depth of research experience in health education, public health, and medicine that promises to sustain and strengthen the journal’s premier position in behavioral science and health education.”
HEB is among the most highly cited peer-reviewed journals in the fields of public, environmental and occupational health. Allegrante, who holds a joint appointment in Department of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, has had over two decades of continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health to pursue multidisciplinary behavioral research in disease self-management and health outcomes in people with chronic disease. He has produced an extensive bibliography of published papers in health education and health promotion and in clinical epidemiology and health services research.
Allegrante also is the principal editor of the anthology Derryberry's Educating for Health: A Foundation for Contemporary Health Education Practice (Jossey-Bass, 2004), and co-author of Health (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006), which he describes as an “action text book” on health aimed at teen-agers.
Allegrante has been a W. K. Kellogg Foundation National Fellow, a Pew Health Policy Fellow at the RAND/UCLA Center for Health Policy Study, a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Public/Global Health and a Fulbright Scholar. He has served as acting dean of the School of Public Health at Iceland’s University of Reykjavik. In 2009, he was named an International Scholar by the Open Society Institute and Soros Foundations Network. He also serves as co-chair of the Galway Consensus Conference on International Collaboration on Credentialing in Health Promotion and Health Education.
A past President and Distinguished Fellow of SOPHE, Allegrante received the Distinguished Career Award in Public Health Education and Health Promotion from the American Public Health Association in 2003. He is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and member of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research and Society of Behavioral Medicine.
Founded in 1950, the Society for Public Health Education provides global leadership to the profession of health education and health promotion and promotes the health of society through advances in health education theory and research, excellence in professional preparation and practice, advocacy for public policies conducive to health, and the achievement of health equity for all. HEB publishes authoritative and practical information on critical health issues for a broad range of professionals interested in understanding factors associated with health behavioral and health status, and strategies to improve social and behavioral health. The bimonthly publication is one of two peer-reviewed SOPHE journals published by Sage Publications since 1995.
To learn more about HEB, visit For more information about SOPHE, visit
Published Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009