TC at Work: Danielle Curtis
Telling the TC story to prospective students
Who She Is
Danielle Curtis’ official title is Admissions Counselor, but she will be the first to tell you that she wears many hats. She also serves as the TC Admissions Office’s transfer credit coordinator and campus visit coordinator. Curtis spends much of the fall traveling to graduate school fairs to recruit students. Her specialty area is the Arts Administration Program, but will often recruit students for all of the other TC academic programs. When back at the office, Curtis manages campus visits for prospective and accepted students, and once enrolled, she helps them get credit for any graduate-level courses they may have taken elsewhere.
Time at TC
Curtis joined the admissions office in 2006 as a work-study student while completing her master’s degree in higher and postsecondary education. She took her current position in August of 2007, after earning her degree. “I’ve been a part-time student. I’ve been a fulltime student. I’ve been a part-time employee, and a fulltime employee. So I think I have unique perspective on TC and, of course, I’ve loved all of my experiences here.”
She grew up on a seven-acre farm near New Haven , Connecticut , and received a bachelor’s degree in English from George Washington University . She spent a year as a paralegal in order to prepare for law school, but changed her mind and decided to pursue a career in higher education.
Best Part of the Job
“For me, it’s seeing students from the first moment they learn about TC—when I’m on the road, for example—and seeing them through the process. You get to see them actually accepted and enroll and then you see them on campus. Being able to see these students go through that whole evolution is really a unique perspective.”
Most Memorable TC Experience
“I just had a student who is graduating this semester stop me in the hallway and tell me ‘You gave me a tour back when I was a prospective student. I have had an incredible experience here. You gave me such a great perspective on TC.’ That was a great moment, and I was so happy to have been part of her experience here at TC.”
Did you know?
“I actually ride horses competitively. I do my riding on the weekends and a few nights during the week I try to get out to Connecticut and ride. I even trained horses professionally for a little while—kind of on the side. I’ve been riding since I was 10. I had actually been allergic to horses and then around 12 or 13 my allergies started to dissipate, so I started riding and competing. I love horses, and I’m lucky enough to have three of them. They’re my outlet outside of work and outside of city life. I’m not a city person by nature, so it’s nice to have that outlet.”
Published Monday, Jun. 1, 2009