Upcoming events at Teachers College, Columbia University
***For All TC Events and Courses: Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to contact OASID at OASID@TC.EDU, (212) 678-3689, (212) 678-3853 TTY, (212) 678-3854 video phone, as early as possible to request reasonable accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, alternate format materials, and a campus map of accessible features.***
March 23-April 3, 2009
Exhibition: Harlem Expressions: TRUCE youth Artists Explore Community
Reception: March 27, 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Come join us for an exhibition of phenomenal art work curated by Kim Elniski and Laura Vural.
Monday, March 23
Workshop: PowerPoint Basics
1:00pm - 3:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the basic features on how to create a presentation or slideshow in MS PowerPoint; incorporate color, animation, graphics, sound and video into slides; and create transition effects and print them as handouts. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Monday, March 23
Workshop: Word Basics
11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty with none or little experience using MS Word. Learn the basic features on how to use MS Word to create a paper or project for class. Practice formatting text, creating tables, adding graphics and using various tools such as grammar, spell check and thesaurus. Prerequisite: Intro to Windows, Intro to Mac or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Monday, March 23
Live Performance: Virginia Pourakis and Jessica Slotwinski (Flute Duet)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
The Everett Cafe proudly sponsors 1-hour musical performances by musicians, solo through to quintets, from the Teachers College community. There is variety and talent to be enjoyed as you sip your Starbucks; mingle with friends and colleagues; peruse bestsellers and news; or simply study. Anyone interested in participating in the Everett Cafe music program is welcome to contact for further details.
Tuesday, March 24
In’s & Out’s of Teacher Certification
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Russell Hall, Room 400
What do I need to do before I graduate? How do I find out the requirements for my certification area? Workshop is open to all students seeking teacher certification. Questions? Call 212.678.4057, email or visit with questions.
Tuesday, March 24
Workshop: Analysis & Research - SAS BASICS
1:00pm - 3:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to be introduced to the SAS system environment, a statistical package that allows you to conduct statistical analysis, similar to the SPSS program. Learn to write syntax to set up the SAS system as well as to generate basic reports and statistics through hands-on experiences. Prerequisites: Intro to Windows or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Tuesday, March 24 & Thursday, March 26
Workshop: Introduction to HTML
Part 1: March 24, 11:00am - 1:00pm, 234 HM
Part 2: March 26, 11:00am - 1:00pm, 234 HM
This two-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the basics of HTML(Hypertext Markup Language); learn to create web pages using HTML tags; practice links, lists and tables; and to design and post a homepage on the World Wide Web using Columbia email accounts. No prerequisites necessary. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Wednesday, March 25
Workshop: Word Beyond the Basics
11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn to create and edit Mail Merge documents and labels, create and apply styles for consistent document formatting, and create and edit forms using templates and auto-text entries. Practice reviewing your document with the Track Changes tool. Prerequisite: Word Basics or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Wednesday, March 25 & Thursday, March 26
Workshop: Creating and Editing iMovie 8
Part 1: March 25, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 345 Macy
Part 2: March 26, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 345 Macy
This two-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn how to create QuickTime digital movies with iMovie. Learn how to use this easy tool to capture and edit movies as well as add soundtracks and transition effects. Prerequisite: Intro to Mac or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Thursday, March 26
Career Information Panel: “Where’s my fit?”
5:30pm - 7:00pm
138 Horace Mann
Hear from representatives from Charter/Public/Private Schools. For more information, visit TC CareerNET at
Thursday, March 26
“The Spread of Malignant Conflicts and Peace: A Dynamical Systems Perspective”
12:00noon - 1:00pm
306 Russell Hall
The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution of Teachers College welcomes Naira Musallam. For more information, contact (212) 678-3402 or
Thursday, March 26
Panel: Hate Crimes: From Nazi Germany to Contemporary Times
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Milbank Chapel
As part of the Intersecting Identities Series, this panel, which includes Tom Shanahan, Deputy Commissioner for External Relations for the New York State Division of Human Rights, will also view an excerpt from the documentary film Paragraph 175, which chronicles the lives of several men and women who were arrested by the Nazis for homosexuality under the sodomy provision of the German penal code. Between 1933 and 1945, 100,000 men were arrested, imprisoned or sent to concentration camps. The presentation, which is co-sponsored with Queer TC, will be followed by reception in the Everett Lounge.
Thursday, March 26
A Socratic Conversation: Have We Lost Respect?
4:00pm - 5:00pm
2nd Floor, Russell Hall
This highly-participatory conversation with fellow students is moderated by Ronald Gross, author of Socrates’ Way and Co-chair of the University Seminar on Innovation in Education. Have We Lost Respect? is part of a year long series of Socratic Conversations hosted by the Gottesman Libraries. To assure yourself a spot, complete with diet hemlock and cookies, please RSVP to
Friday, March 27
Student Senate Meeting
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Student Senate meetings provide an opportunity to voice concerns and ideas. They are held bimonthly and are open to all members of the Teachers College Community. Please visit for more information.
Friday, March 27
Reception: Harlem Expressions: TRUCE Youth Artists Explore Community
5:00pm - 8:00pm
The students of TRUCE/HCZ, in conjunction with visiting artist Jim Elniski, exhibit the often overlooked ways they contact, shape and are shaped by each other as a community. This show is on view from March 23 to April 3. All receptions are free and open to the public. Questions about the Gallery and its schedule should be directed to Heather Van Uxem-Lewis at (212) 678-3681.
Friday, March 27
Workshop: TC Educator (Second Life)
1:00pm - 3:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn how to get around and communicate in TC Educator, the Teachers College island in the virtual world of Second Life; learn how to login in and lead your avatar to go around through the TC island; walk through the variety of the TC buildings; have a meeting at the TC café; visit the amphitheater and watch the video presentations; see the virtual exhibitions in the Macy gallery; and go to the classrooms in case you may want to teach there. Learn how to make your avatar, walk, sit down and stand up, dance, fly, talk, dance and express emotions. Interact with the objects around your avatar, master the use of the Map and Teleport to different locations. Learn how to change the light in your environment, create a landmark and use the inventory. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Friday, March 27
Workshop: Learning the Fundamentals - Internet Culture and Social Responsibility
11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn (for blogging) how to reach a specific audience and a global audience, how to understand how different cultures may interpret a Blog and how local and native social factors may affect the success of a Blog. This workshop identifies the various culture and social aspects that can impact the traffic flow to a blog and covers the areas of language used in a Blog. Cost: $15. No prerequisites necessary. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Friday, March 27
TC Fridays: Managing Multinational Multicultural Organizations & Environments
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location TBD with RSVP
The Diversity & Cultural Learning Initiative presents an engaging simulation exercise in which participants have the opportunity to learn hands-on about challenges that may arise in managing multinational multicultural organizations and environments, and the skills needed to address these challenges. Food and refreshments will be served. This event is open to all TC students, but a RSVP is required as space is limited. Email with your name and program to ask questions or to RSVP.
March 27-29
3rd International Conference of the International Society for Interpersonal Psychotherapy: Global Update
Speakers from over 16 countries around the world and across the spectrum of mental health professions will provide updates on IPT treatment, training and research in many countries. Experts will present updates on research, training activities and new adaptations of IPT, including Cultural Adaptations and Training in Global Contexts. Sponsored by: TC’s Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology; TC’s CEO&I; and Association Canadienne Francophone de Psychothérapie Interpersonnelle, in collaboration with Columbia ’s School of Social Work and faculty of Columbia ’s Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons. To enquire, please contact or visit
Saturday, March 28
Workshop: DreamWeaver Overview
2:00pm - 5:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 3-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the basics of DreamWeaver for Web sites. You will learn how to work with text, links, images and tables and publish your pages to your Columbia web account. Prerequisite: Intro to Windows, intro to Mac or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Monday, March 30
University Lecture: Professor Ira Katznelson
6:15pm - 7:30pm
Morningside Campus Rotunda, Low Memorial Library
President Lee C. Bollinger and Provost Alan Brinkley host the University Lecture given by Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History at Columbia University . Entitled, “What is Toleration? Reflections on Jews, Civic Membership, and the Western Liberal Tradition.” The lecture will be followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
Monday, March 30
Student Policy Research Roundtable
11:00am - 2:00pm
305 Russell Hall
The Office of Policy and Research will be holding the second annual Student Policy Research Roundtable—held so that TC policy students can present their own research to their peers in a congenial and professional environment, and to provide an opportunity to share research with the TC policy community, elicit feedback on research in a supportive setting, practice making a formal presentation about one’s research, and prepare for SRCD, AERA and other education conferences. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present their research, and then a moderator and discussant will lead a 5 minute discussion of the presenter’s work. Lunch will be served, and everyone is encouraged, but not required to stay the full three hours. This Roundtable is open to the entire TC community. If you want to present at the Student Policy Research Roundtable or would like more information, email Michelle Hodara at or visit .
Monday, March 30
Workshop: Excel Advanced Features
Part 1: March 30, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 234 HM
Part 2: April 1, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 234 HM
This two-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the more sophisticated features of Excel such as advanced database queries, and learn how to program macros, work with functions, and create more elegant charts and graphs. Prerequisites: Excel Basics, Excel beyond the Basics or instructor’s permission. Cost: $30. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Monday, March 30 & Wednesday April 1
Workshop: Web Databases with PHP
Part 1: March 30, 11:00am - 1:00pm, 234 HM
Part 2: April 1, 11:00am - 1:00pm, 234 HM
This two-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor) open-source scripting language for creating dynamic web pages, and learn how to generate and display content from information accessed in a database or other external sources. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Web Design or HTML or instructor’s permission. Cost: $30. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Tuesday, March 31
TC Community Workshop: Including Individuals with Disabilities in TC Activities and Events
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location TBA
Learn how to make your TC-related conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetings accessible to individuals with disabilities. Co-Sponsored by the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities and the Office of the President for Diversity and Community Affairs. Lunch provided to the first 20 attendees! Contact, (212) 678-3853, or (212) 678-3854 video phone to: RSVP, get further information or request reasonable accommodations.
Tuesday, March 31
Colloquium: “On Some Applications of Signal Detection Theory to Psychology & Education”
11:30am - 1:00pm
305 Russell Hall
The Department of Human Development welcomes Larry DeCarlo, Associate Professor of Psychology and Education in TC’s Department of Human Development Program of Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics. Lunch will be served.
Tuesday, March 31
Workshop: PowerPoint Beyond the Basics
11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn, using MS PowerPoint, how to use the advanced features, including importing multimedia files, global links and connecting Internet and computer files. Prerequisites: PowerPoint Basics or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Tuesday, March 31 & Thursday, April 2
Workshop: DreamWeaver Basics
Part 1: March 31, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 234 HM
Part 2: April 2, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, 234 HM
This two-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn the basic features on how to make a simple Web site using DreamWeaver. Work with text, links, images and tables. Publish to your Columbia web account and manage your files in the remote server. Prerequisites: Intro to Windows, Intro to Mac or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Thursday, April 2
Book Talk with Professor Anna Neumann
5:30pm - 7:00pm
138 Horace Mann
TC Professor of Higher Education Anna Neumann will discuss her forthcoming book, Professing to Learn: Creating Tenured Lives and Careers in the American Research University (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). For more information, please contact Rebecca Natow at
Thursday, April 2
Workshop: Collecting Data on the Web 11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn how to use Survey@TC, the TC free online survey tool, to create, collect and deliver survey data over the web. No prerequisites necessary. Cost: $15. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Thursday, April 2
5th Annual Deutsch Awards for Social Justice
5:00pm - 7:00pm
179 Grace Dodge Hall
Celebrate with the Recipient of the 2009 Scholar-Practitioner Award, Sister Elaine, who has worked for 40 years connecting incarcerated parents with their children at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. She insured that inmates became educated not only academically but also in parenting and communication, and started the Children’s Center at Bedford Hills where children could visit their mothers on a regular basis.
Friday, April 3
Workshop: Improving Office Skills - Manage Bibliographic Citations with EndNote
11:00am - 1:00pm
234 Horace Mann
This one-day, 2-hour informational workshop is for students, staff and faculty to learn to use EndNote, the popular bibliographic software that allows you to create bibliographical references and import them in a MS word document. Learn how to connect to online Library databases, import reference, insert your citations and apply the appropriate style for publications. Word Basics or instructor’s permission. For more information, please contact Academic Computing. For more information, on Academic Computing workshops, please contact 212-678-3302; or visit
Friday & Saturday, April 3 & 4
7th Annual Education Across the Americas Conference: Interpreting Realities, Negotiating Perspectives, and Exploring Complexities
9:00am - 10:00pm
Hosted by the Association of Latin American Scholars (ALAS), this year’s theme challenges the approach to the study of education in the Americas , seeks to address the current challenges and developments in Latin America —ranging from very specific and situated classroom environments all the way to national and transnational policy-making and policy-borrowing. Featuring Keynotes by Bradley Levinson of Indiana University ; Walter Mignolo of Duke University ; and Sylvia Schmelkes of Universidad Iberoamericana de Mexico. Includes Student and Faculty Panels, Latin American Chamber Music Concert, Movie Screenings, Latin American Art Exhibit, Latin American Closing Party and much more! For more information, visit:
Saturday, April 4
Restoring Balance: New Visions for Food and Activity Conference
8:00am - 5:00pm
A conference celebrating 100 years of TC’s Program in Nutrition. Provocative speakers and critical discussions provide visions for a new and hopeful future in food and activity. Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer will discuss his innovative food policies proposed for New York City in the 2009 report Food in the Public Interest that can serve as a model for other cities. Registration closes on Friday, March 27. For more information and to register visit or contact Mary Gillis at 212-678-3693. or
Monday, April 6
Talk with Jeff Rosen: The Brain on the Stand
7:00pm - 9:00pm
305 Russell Hall
The sixth meeting of the 2008-09 season of the University Seminar on Innovation in Education, co-chaired by Ronald Gross and Robert McClintock, welcomes Jeffrey Rosen to discuss his work, “The Brain on the Stand: How Neuroscience is Transforming the Legal System”. For more information or to RSVP, contact Jennifer Govan at 212-678-3022 or email
Tuesday, April 7
TC Community Discussion on TC’s International Projects
3:30pm - 4:30pm
138 Horace Mann Hall
Susan Fuhrman, President of the College will discuss, “Think Globally, TC’s International Projects” as part of TC’s Community Senior Administration Discussion Series. Take a break from the books and chat with the senior administration at TC. For more information, please contact Juan Carlos Reyes at 212-678-3614 or
Friday, April 10
Reception: Work of the Students from Advanced Studio
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Visit TC’s Macy Art Gallery for an exhibition of phenomenal art work curated by Maurizio Pellegrin . The exhibition is on view April 6-17. All receptions are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Heather Van Uxem-Lewis at (212) 678-3681 or .
Saturday, April 25
ThinkBank 2.0: Innovation, Collaboration and Leadership in the New Global Commons
10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Teachers College
An Academic Festival for TC Alumni and Friends
The annual alumni event will be attended by leaders in education, social entrepreneurship, healthcare, technology, international affairs, organizational psychology and many other disciplines. Under the theme is “Leadership and Innovation,” the festival will feature panel discussions, workshops and lectures throughout the day by thought leaders who are having a discernible impact locally, domestically and globally.
Published Tuesday, Mar. 24, 2009