Can After-School Programs Help Level the Playing Field for Disadvantaged Youth?
Equity in Education Forum Series, Fall 2009
Teachers College, Columbia University
Margo Gardner, Research Scientist,
Jodie Roth, Senior Research Scientist,
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of
Child Development and Education, Teachers College,
Robert Granger, President, William T. Grant Foundation
Lucy Friedman, President, The After School Corporation
Edmund Gordon, Richard March Hoe Professor, Emeritus of Psychology
and Education, Teachers College,
Gardner, M., Roth, Jodie L., Brooks-Gunn, J. (2009). Can after-school programs help level the playing field for disadvantaged youth? Equity Matters: Research Review No. 4. New York: The Campaign for Educational Equity.
- Audio Podcast (iTunes required)
Published Monday, Oct. 26, 2009