Coleman, Vallacher, and Nowak edit special issue of Peace & ... | Teachers College Columbia University

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Coleman, Vallacher, and Nowak edit special issue of Peace & Conflict on Dynamical Systems and Conflict

This special issue of Peace and Conflict presents a series of articles that approach the study of conflict, conflict resolution and peace from the perspective of dynamical systems theory. This perspective has been employed to conceptualize and investigate complex, dynamic phenomena in many areas of science (Weisbuch, 1992; Johnson, 2001; Strogatz, 2003) from cancerous cellular mutations to catastrophic global climate shifts.
This issue includes six papers; an introductory article which provides a brief overview of the dynamical-systems approach to understanding and addressing conflict, and five conceptual papers which employ the metaphors and methods of the perspective to critical issues of conflict and peace.

Articles include:

Dynamical Foundations of Intractable Conflict: Introduction to the Special Issue
Robin R. Vallacher, Peter T. Coleman, Andrzej Nowak  & Lan Bui-Wrzosinska
Understanding the Spread of Malignant Conflict: A Dynamical Systems Perspective
Naira Musallam, Peter T. Coleman, & Andrzej Nowak
From Crude Law to Civil Relations: The Dynamics and Potential Resolution of Intractable Conflict
Andrzej Nowak, Morton Deutsch, Wiesław Bartkowski, & Sorin Solomon
Dynamics of Cooperation-Competition Interaction Models
Larry S. Liebovitch, Robin Vallacher, and Jay Michaels
Social Entrepreneurs and Constructive Change: The Wisdom of Circumventing Conflict
Ryszard Praszkier, Andrzej Nowak, & Peter T. Coleman
Peace is in movement: A dynamical-systems perspective on the emergence of peace in Mozambique
Andrea Bartoli, Lan Bui-Wrzosinska, & Andrzej Nowak

Published Thursday, Apr. 29, 2010


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