Lois LaCroix Barber (M.A., Clinical Psychology, 1972), passed away in August 2009. Born in Ann Arbor in 1921, she studied economics at Northwestern University in Chicago. During World War II, she served as an economist in Hawaii, where one of her important duties was to keep meat prices stable during wartime rationing. • After the war, she moved to Oxford, England and married Charles Barber, a Rhodes Scholar. Later, in the Washington, D.C., and New York City metropolitan areas, she raised her four children—Brad, Ann, Robin and Betsy—and was skilled at planning family adventures in Europe. She also raised Norwegian Elkhounds from puppies to champions. Later, she worked for Meals on Wheels while caring for her centenarian mother. • With her children grown, Lois decided to enroll at Teachers College. After receiving her M.A., she served as a special education tutor in the Greenwich, Connecticut, school system where she was known for her enthusiasm, optimism and creativity. • Her passion for positive growth and development in young people was also evident in her work with the Greenwich Community Center; she was determined to make the Center a place for children to convene and be active. • She also co-founded a library at the Church Center for the United Nations, home to the archives of noted early peace activist and feminist Esther Hymer, tracing 50 years of work for equality of women internationally. • When she passed away last August, her husband, Charles, decided to make a gift to Teachers College in her memory. With the endorsement of Charles and her children, this gift was used to establish the Lois LaCroix Barber Scholarship Fund to provide general scholarship assistance for students at TC.