Better Than Power Point
Better Than Power Point
When Kuklis learned about the “Understanding Fiscal Responsibility” project from her son, Timothy, a social studies teacher at New Rochelle High School and TC alumnus whose advisor was Marri, she decided to get involved. Kuklis collaborated with the TC team on a simulation of the federal budget appropriation process. Over the course of two 45-minute periods, the teacher, acting as the President, submits a national budget. The simulation involves lobbying by various interest groups and reveals what happens when the members of Congress cut deals to assure passage. There are roles for legislators serving on agriculture and defense subcommittees, lobbyists, journalists and even private citizens.
“Kids learn by doing,” says Kuklis, now teaching an online course in economics instruction at TC. “It’s much better than having the teacher drone on and show endless Power Point presentations.”
Published Wednesday, May. 11, 2011