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A Message from President Fuhrman and Provost James on monitoring of Muslim students
Many of you have seen news stories reporting that the New York City Police Department monitored the web sites of Muslim Student Associations at several colleges and universities, both within and outside of New York City. The reports also allege that the NYPD engaged in surveillance of Muslim students from many of these institutions.
Many of you have seen news stories reporting that the New York City Police Department monitored the web sites of Muslim Student Associations at several colleges and universities, both within and outside of New York City. The reports also allege that the NYPD engaged in surveillance of Muslim students from many of these institutions.
We are writing to affirm that Teachers College has a steadfast commitment to opposing discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender. Our highest calling and our daily work mean nothing less than fostering a vibrant, nurturing community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members. Along with our sister institutions within the University, we are committed to protecting the fundamental freedoms of inquiry, work, and study for all members of this academic community.
The reported monitoring and surveillance of Muslim Student Associations are contrary to these core institutional values. We will do everything we can to support the rights of Muslim students, staff and faculty to pursue their aspirations under the rule of law in this country.
Thomas James, Provost and Dean of College
Susan Fuhrman, President of College
Published Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2012