Sweet Dreams: A Documentary Film about Women Healing Rwanda
Sweet Dreams: A Documentary Film about Women Healing Rwanda
Friday, October 26, 2012
The General Theological Seminary's
Seabury Auditorium
Proceeds to Benefit
Ingoma Nshya
6:00pm Doors Open
6:30pm Screening
Conversation with
Director Rob Fruchtman
Behold, Be Inspired & Taste Blue Marble Ice Cream!
Co-sponsored by The St. Blandina Society of General Seminary and
Anglican Women's Empowerment
Powerful sounds pierce the silece of the Rwandan countryside. A group of women, 60 strong, pound out rhythms of joy.
In 1994, Rwanda suffered a devastating genocide. Yet women are helping to rebuild the human spirit. Kiki Katese decided to start Ingoma Nshya, Rwanda's first and only women's drumming troupe. For women from both sides of the conflict, the troupe has been a place to build new relationships, to heal and to rediscover joy.
Tickets must be purchased in advance at http://sweetdreamsgts.eventbrite.com.
More information about the film at
http://www.sweetdreamsrwanda.comPublished Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012