TC Named a Partner for New York City's Community Schools Initiative
TC’s Office of School and Community Partnerships (OSCP) was named one of 25 community-based organizations (CBO’s) that will partner with a New York City public school in providing academic enrichment and family support services. The OSCP will receive more than $266,000 per year for four years to provide tutoring, social work and health services at P.S. 154 in Harlem.
The grant, announced on December 1, is part of New York City’s new Attendance Improvement and Dropout Prevention Community Schools Strategy (AIDP/CSS), a $52 million initiative by Mayor Bill de Blasio that will pair public schools with CBO’s to create 45 new community schools. The initiative, which is set to launch in schools next fall, is administered in partnership with the United Way of New York.
The new program expands TC’s existing relationship with P.S. 154, the Harriet Tubman School, on 127th Street and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. in Harlem, one of six public schools in TC’s REACH initiative that receive an array of special services provided by TC to improve school outcomes. These include professional development for teachers and school leaders, expanded learning opportunities for students, and health and social services for children and families, all of which are tailored to the needs of each school and based on input from teachers, principals and parents. Together, these efforts constitute a demonstration of TC’s university-assisted community school model.
As part of the new grant, the OSCP will provide professional development, coaching and curriculum support; after-school programming; parent engagement including "family nights" and parent workshops; and enhanced wellness services including health screenings and referrals.
“We are honored to have been selected by United Way and PS 154 to expand services to the school community” said Nancy Streim, Associate Vice President at TC and Special Adviser to the Columbia University Provost.
“Teachers College is the only higher education institution to receive funding, which provides a real boost for implementing our community school model. The activities are largely designed and carried out by faculty and students from TC and Columbia, which has the dual benefit of bringing critical resources to the school, while enhancing the College’s professional preparation, research and service efforts.”
PS 154 selected TC as a partner based on its capacity to tackle absenteeism through coordinated, research-based interventions for students, teachers and families that help equip students for success.
Published Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014