Year in Review: Diversity & Community Affairs
Teachers College's Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs (ODCA) implements an ongoing academic and cultural approach to community building by supporting programs, initiatives and events with involvement from faculty, students and staff to address diverse institutional climate concerns. The Office promotes workplace contentment and respect through annual recurring initiatives, as well as through those that address current or immediate concerns for the various constituencies within TC's diverse community.
Teachers College's Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs (ODCA) implements an ongoing academic and cultural approach to community building by supporting programs, initiatives and events with involvement from faculty, students and staff to address diverse institutional climate concerns. The Office promotes workplace contentment and respect through annual recurring initiatives, as well as through those that address current or immediate concerns for the various constituencies within TC's diverse community.
During the past year the Diversity and Community Initiatives (DCI) Grant program supported 14 distinct programs initiated by faculty, staff and students, totaling $13,350, and brought varied programs of interest to the community. Visit for abstracts of all DCIGrant programming implementedin 2013-2014.
ODCA addressed increased demands of the sexual violence and gender-based misconduct federal laws, promoted education about gender based misconduct and discriminatory harassment, and strengthened TC's climate concerning LGBTQ issues for all. The Office continued to proactively address the concerns of equity, harassment prevention, civility and best practices in the workplace, including through educational workshops on Mindfulness, Racial and Cultural Microaggressions, Columbia University SpeakOUT-- Safezones training (around LGBTQ concerns), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Preventing Workplace Harassment and Gender-Based Misconduct.
ODCA community building initiatives included the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, the Annual Community Cook-off and monthly Coffee and Tea Hours. The Office's academically enriching programs included seminars, panel discussions and faculty Book Talks. Retention initiatives included numerous programs for students under the umbrella of the Black and Latino Male Doctoral Education initiative as well as opportunities to serve on named scholarship selection committees. Visit learn about other ODCA Programs.
Published Wednesday, Mar. 11, 2015