TC’s Souto-Manning and Martell to Receive AESA Critics Choice Book Award
Mariana Souto-Manning, Associate Professor of Early Childhood EducationMariana Souto-Manning, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, and Jessica Martell, an instructor in Teachers College’s Department of Curriculum & Teaching, will receive the 2016 American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Critics Choice Book Award for Reading, Writing and Talk: Inclusive teaching strategies for diverse learners, K-2 (Teachers College Press, 2016).
Reading, Writing and Talk takes readers into classrooms where “racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse children's experiences, unique strengths, and expertise are supported and valued.” Chapters focus on oral language, reading, and writing development and include diverse possibilities for culturally relevant and inclusive teaching. The book “reminds us that our children offer us limitless possibilities for understanding them and the world,” writes Gloria Ladson-Billings, Kellner Family Chair in Urban Education at the School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, in her foreword, and that “we have a chance to embrace that possibility if we are willing to embrace them and their full humanity."
“Souto-Manning and Martell weave together theory, research, and action to illuminate a story of hope and possibility for developing the powerful reader and writer in every child,” Ernest Morrell, TC’s Macy Professor of Education and Director of the College’s Institute for Urban and Minority Education, adds in a review. “I heartily recommend this book for all of the teachers lucky enough to work on a daily basis with our brilliant early elementary students.”
Souto-Manning, who is Coordinator of TC’s Early Childhood Education Program, and Martell, a teacher at Central Park East II, a public elementary school in New York City, will receive the award in early November at AESA's annual conference, which will be held this year in Seattle.