Cowin Financial Literacy Program Featured in Action at Texas High School
The story features students from Prairie View A&M University teaching a personal finance class at Waller High School. The class included information on how to file taxes, how to balance a checkbook, how to build a budget and how to start saving for retirement.
The Prarie View students were supervised by Danny Harvey, an instructor of finance at the Prairie View A&M Business School who attended the Cowin Financial Literacy Summer Institute at Teachers College in the summer of 2016. Harvey incorporates the Cowin method in some of his classes at Prairie View. His students are passing along to Waller High School students the knowledge Harvey gained at the summer institute.
The Cowin Financial Literacy program was created by TC Trustee and alumna Joyce Cowin, and designed by Anand Marri, Associate Professor of Social Studies at Teachers College and Vice President and Head of Outreach at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Cowin Financial Literacy program is holding its first online series of classes through April 14, and its Summer Institute at Teachers College this July.
For additional news coverage of the program, go here.
Published Wednesday, Feb 22, 2017