Reimagining Education, Online: Support from the Rauch Foundation
Through the envisioned 12-credit online program, educators would attend the “Reimagining” summer institute, take two 3-credit online courses over 12 months, complete culminating projects based on their schools supported by TC faculty and present them at the following summer’s Institute.
“Our program will enable participants to do extended ‘reimagining’ guided by TC faculty in a program with unique connection between topics such as racial literacy, culturally relevant pedagogy, and the larger context of policy, history, race and segregation,” says Amy Stuart Wells, Professor of Sociology & Education, co-recipient with Detra Price-Dennis, Assistant Professor of Elementary & Inclusive Education, of the Rauch Foundation grant.
The Rauch Foundation previously funded Wells’ past research on segregation and inequality in Nassau County public schools.
“Nancy Douzinas stands up for issues of social justice and equity in education,” Wells says. “We are so grateful for her integrity, leadership and support.
Published Monday, Oct 30, 2017