The APA Renames a Lifetime Achievement Award for Derald Wing Sue
The award, which carries a monetary prize, recognizes career contributions by individuals with a record of advancing “the science, practice, or training in the field of multicultural counseling.”
Sue is widely credited with focusing both scholarly and lay attention on the damaging impact of microagressions, which he defines as "everyday slights, indignities, put-downs [or] invalidations that people of color experience in their everyday interactions with well-intentioned, well-meaning people who are unaware that they are delivering a putdown or invalidation." His many books include the breakout 2010 success, Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation and Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race (2015), both published by Wiley.
The APA announced the renaming of the award in August at its annual convention, held in Washington, D.C. The firstrecipient: Derald Wing Sue.
Published Tuesday, Sep 5, 2017