Dear Members of the TC Community,
I am pleased to share a link to our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion report for 2022-23. Please take a moment to review it. This year, we have focused on inclusion–specifically, how we have strengthened the TC experience for lecturers, launched our Accessibility First campaign, and drew on staff voices in the development of our hybrid and flexible work policies. We also engaged faculty voices through our climate survey, promoted digital access through our Digital Futures Institute, and built out inclusive programs to meet the needs of our diverse and world-wide community of alumni.
It’s important to recognize that inclusion is a vital part of our work, not only through the Vice President’s Office for Diversity and Community Affairs, but in all parts of the College. We each have something to contribute to our community, and we represent a diversity of voices and backgrounds that comprise a rich fabric and culture from which we all benefit, in many ways.
Our strategy and approach has always been to define diversity broadly and deeply. Through our day-to-day efforts of supporting inclusion, we encourage one community even as we also balance and respect individual and intersectional identities. It is complex work, and I’m grateful to the many partners and friends across the TC community who join me in ensuring all voices are heard and respected.
The report also includes our diversity data from Spring 2023, which reflects some of the success of our refined hiring practices and further highlights key areas of focus going forward.
Our goal to institutionalize diversity, equity, and inclusion is the second of President Tom Bailey’s five Strategic Priorities for Teachers College, which he reiterated in his recent State of the College address, and I’m proud of what we have accomplished, even as there is more work to do.
I welcome your feedback and continued partnership for the days ahead.
Janice S. Robinson
Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs
Title IX Coordinator
Associate Professor of Higher Education