Office of the President, Teachers College logo over an image of TC Convocation

Dear Members of the TC Community:

This week, we joined together to celebrate the exceptional achievements of more than 2,000 graduates of Teachers College. 

Across four Convocation ceremonies and our Diversity & First Generation Celebration, we were inspired by our extraordinary Medalists, lifted up by our outstanding student speakers, and moved by so many poignant moments between graduates, their families and mentors. Together, these events highlighted the tremendous qualities of our graduates and the impact they will have as they chart their paths across education, health and psychology. 

President Bailey shakes hands with a TC graduate
Doctoral candidate holding his son shakes hands with faculty member after being robed

Equally important, our gatherings shined a light on the unique power of the TC community. A resounding theme throughout this week’s ceremonies: by cultivating a culture where different viewpoints and lived experiences are respected, we stand tall in our ability to come together for tough conversations and joyous occasions alike. While a small number of graduates took the opportunity to express their personal views through banners and signs, the ceremonies were overwhelmingly celebratory in recognition of our students’ remarkable achievements.

This week’s graduates join some 95,000 TC alumni around the world — psychologists, health advocates and practitioners, policy analysts, teachers and school leaders — who are drawing on their knowledge, expertise, and convictions to create true change for the greater good. 

My thanks to everyone who made this week's festivities so special and congratulations to our 2024 graduates!


Tom Bailey Signature

Thomas Bailey
Teachers College, Columbia University

Jody Arnhold, Profressor Barbara Bashaw and Provost O'Meara at TC Convocation
A musical performance at TC Convocation