APPLE Lecture
The purpose of the APPLE (APPlied Linguistics and Language Education) Lecture Series is to engender lively professional dialogue in the ELT community. Invited speakers will address issues of cutting-edge research, innovative practice, or critical policy. The series, funded by an endowment from Language Innovations, Inc. (LINC), celebrates LINC's spirit and legacy. LINC was a non-profit group that published materials and fostered innovations among ESL practitioners in the area.
Below you will find information about previous APPLE Lectures in reverse chronological order.
This year's APPLE Lecture featured Dr. Ross Perlin.
Friday, April 26th 5:00pm-7:00pm EST
Dr. Ross Perlin, Columbia University - "Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York"
This year's APPLE Lecture featured two speakers across two dates in the spring semester.
Friday, March 3rd 5:00pm-6:30pm EST
Dr. Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University - "Linguistic Relevance in Higher Education: Opportunity and Obligation in the Diversity Canon"
APPLE Lecture 2023 Video: Dr. Walt Wolfram
Friday, April 7th 4:00pm-6:00pm EST
Dr. Ehsan Hoque, University of Rochester - "When can AI improve our social skills?"
This year's APPLE Lecture featured two speakers across two dates in the spring semester.
Friday, February 25th 10:30am-12:30pm EST
Dr. Paul Deane, Educational Testing Service - "New Ways to Measure Literacy: Combining Scenario-Based Assessment with an Automated Writing Trait Model"
APPLE Lecture 2022 Video: Dr. Paul Deane
Friday, April 29th 6-7:30pm EST
Dr. John McWhorter, Columbia University – “What Will Language Be Like in 2100CE?”
This year's APPLE Lecture featured two speakers across two dates in the spring semester.
Friday, January 29th 11am-1pm EST
Mario E. López-Gopar, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca - "(Mexican) Indigenous Peoples in North American Classrooms: Identity, Pedagogy, and Assessment Considerations"
APPLE Lecture 2021 Video: Mario E. López-Gopar
Friday, February 26th 11am-1pm EST
Randi Reppen, Northern Arizona University - "Three Ways to Incorporate Corpus Linguistics and Language Instruction"
APPLE Lecture 2021 Video: Randi Reppen
Richard Donato - "History-in-Person and Teacher Development: Bringing the Past into the Present" and "Culture as Context: Exploring Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives"
Roy Lyster - "Oral Corrective Feedback as a Catalyst for Second Language Development" and "Juggling Language and Content Across the Curriculum"
James Pennebaker - "Using Words to Understand People" and "The Health and Psychological Effects of Translating Emotional Experiences into Words"
Brian MacWhinney - "A Shared Infrastructure for Studying Second Language Acquisition" and "Limits on Success in Second Language Learning"
James Paul Gee - "Grammar, Language, and Discourse: A New Situated Approach to Language Teaching" and "Language, the World, and Video Games: Why and How All Learning is Language Learning"
Alister Cumming - "Studies of Second Language Writing in Canada: Three Generations"
Mary McGroarty - "Challenge of Multiple Agendas for Language Teaching and Research"
Leo van Lier - "Action-Based Teaching and Learning: An Ecological Perspective"
Thomas Cobb - "How the Language Teachers of the World Built a Data-Driven Web-Based Learning Tool"
Antony John Kunnan - "Language Assessment for Immigration and Citizenship"
Eli Hinkel
Bill VanPatten - "Processing Instruction, Meaning-based Output Instruction, and Dictogloss: A Comparative Study (and Some Sundry Observations)"
William Grabe - "Success with L2 Reading: From Research to Teaching"
2005 Carol A. Chapelle - "CALL Pedagogy: Suggestions from Research"
Kathy Doughty
Elaine Tarone
Marianne Celce-Murcia - "Communicative Competence and the Role of Grammar"
Andrew D. Cohen - "Developing Language Ability: Can Old Dogs Learn New Tricks?"