Tuition & Fees

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fee rates are set annually by the Teachers College Board of Trustees. In the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition for all regular courses is $2,049 per point. Non-credit courses vary in rate, usually depending on the minimum number of points for which the particular course is offered and the special services provided.

Columbia University's tuition is assessed at a per-point or flat rate determined annually by the University's Board of Trustees. Each school's rate may vary. 

Total tuition and fees are determined based on the number of points for which the student has registered. All tuition and fees (registration, service, workshops and all miscellaneous related expenses) charged are due and payable in full by the official published deadline date. Registrations submitted after the published due date are due upon registration. The list below highlights the fees charged by the College: 

Description Of Fee
Teachers College Tuition, Per Point (Credit) $2,049
Teachers College Fee, Per Term $518
Teachers College Research Fee $518
Columbia Health Fee - (PT/FT )
(click link to understand what it is and who it applies to)
$208 /  $694
Columbia Health Insurance Fee - (Fall/Spring)
(go to Premiums section > Teachers College to find the fee)
$2,348 /  $3,816
One-time Transcript Fee ( charged in first term enrolled ) $35
Application Fee (non-refundable and payable at time of application) $65
Tuition deposit (non-refundable but applicable against tuition assessment) $300
Library Research Fee (for non-college users) per month $100
Doctoral Dissertation Advisement fee $6,147
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense fee $7,354
Late registration fee $100
Late application fee for conferring of degrees $25
Special examination fee (each course) $25
Student identification card replacement fee $20
Late payment fee (flat fee) $50
Late payment (monthly fee) 1- 1/3% (16% annually)
Returned check fee $20
Deferred payment plan fee $50

Fees listed here and elsewhere throughout this website are reviewed periodically and are subject to change without prior notice. Additional fees may be added. 

**Disclaimer: Board of Trustees of Teachers College reserves the right to alter policy without notice. 

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