CITY trainees are actively engaged in grant activities across two academic years. CITY trainees will sign a letter indicating commitment to the project goals, including pursuing a career in high-need schools upon completion of the program.

The project will include four cohorts of approximately  8 CITY trainees.  We will recruit CITY trainees from the TC school psychology cohorts entering in 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27, and 2027-28.

In alignment with CITY Program objectives, CITY trainees will receive multi-year funding to decrease the cost and increase the accessibility of graduate training. 

Each CITY trainee will receive 48 tuition credits across the course of their three years of graduate school, distributed based on available funding. Note, the EdM program involves 69 tuition credits total (see here).  

For two years, CITY trainees’ College fees and Health fees (approximate annual value $518 and $1364, respectively) will be covered. Last, the CITY Program grant will cover attendance of the TC RESI

Learn more about the cost of and financial aid at Teachers College here.  

No, becoming a CITY trainee does not add to students’ graduate coursework. CITY trainees take their two required electives aligned with the CITY program, but no additional courses are required. Other additional activities (e.g., RESI, mentorship) will be covered or available freely. 

For questions related to CITY program, please contact Dr. Kait Gould

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