New York State School Counseling Certification
Our Ed.M. program provides license- and certification-eligible training for mental health and school counselors. However, we don't grant the licenses themselves — only state governments can do that. In addition to the information provided below, the website of the American Counseling Association is a good place to learn more about state licensure and certification.
Students who wish to work as school counselors in New York State must obtain state certification. Students wishing to work in New York City must also obtain New York City licensure. Two certification levels are possible for school counselors in New York: provisional and permanent. You are eligible for a provisional certificate upon completion of the program along with all pre-certification requirements (see the Student Handbook for details), and it is valid for 5 years. During that time, you must obtain two years of practical experience, and afterward, you can apply via the NYSED-TEACH online system for permanent certification (which requires no further maintenance).Please note that requirements are always subject to change as the result of changes in city and state policy. Please do not fail to double-check state and city requirements for yourself to ensure that you have the latest information.
You can find the latest information about what you need to be certified in New York State at the website of the New York State Education Department.
In the search form that you’ll find there, select “Administration and Pupil Personnel Services” in the first pull-down menu, and select “School Counseling” in the second pull-down menu. The Teachers College Ed.M program in Psychological Counseling is a state-approved program. As such, the Office of Teacher Education will assist you in applying for state certification. If you are interested in becoming certified in another state, you may also contact the Office of Teacher Education for more information, and you should investigate that state’s requirements through their state offices.