Student Testimonials
What should you know about C&T programs?
Advice from students Limarys Caraballo, Lakisha Howell and Selena Nardelli on applying for the program.
Want to know more about starting a C&T program?
More advice from students Sunny McDevitt. Victoria Parra and, Chris Ongaro.
How has studying in C&T impacted you?
Students Selena Nardelli, Chris Ongaro, Denise L. Villasenor & Frances Early reflect on the impact of C&T.
How has studying in C&T impacted you? (Part II)
Hear what student’s Limarys Caraballo & Chico Knight have to say on how studying in C&T has impacted their thinking and their professional goals.
What do you like most about your program?
Ayesha Rabadi, Denise L. Villasenor & Chico Knight discuss what they like best about studying in the C&T department.
What do you like most about your program? (Part II)
Frances Early & Victoria Parra discuss what they like best about studying in the Curriculum Teaching department.
What are your plans after graduation?
Sunny McDevitt, Chris Ongaro, Esther Ohito, Denise L. Villasenor & Selena Nardelli discuss their plans for putting their degrees to work!
What attracted you to C&T?
Learn what attracted our students to the department.