Student Media Resources

Student Resources on Campus

Here you'll find a list of different resources on Teachers College and Columbia's campus for multimedia production and research. All of these resources are available to TC students to use for free or low cost. Please see specific organizations for details. 

Resources are divided into 3 sections: (A) Studios/Makerspaces lists resources where you can rent equipment or use space/tools available to make media; (B) Labs include interest-based student and faculty groups that combine research and practice; (C) Self-Guided Resources tab is a compilation of online resources, training courses, and manuals that can assist your media production. 

Please use keywords in the search bar below to look for a specific service, tool, software, equipment, location, or research focus. The page will repopulate as you type and retype. Examples of keywords: Adobe; green screen, DSLR camera; STEM; makerspace; music; audio recording; tripod; VR headset; Barnard; 3d print; toys.

Here you can find spaces and equipment to assist you in making video, audio, and multimedia. 

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Interest-based working groups of students and faculty who collaborate on hands-on projects and research. 

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Hosted online and/or in libraries around campus and beyond.

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