Sociology and Education MA

Master of Arts in Sociology & Education

Teachers College Building
A graduate student smiles while she makes a point in a discussion with her peers at TC.

Admissions Information

Displaying requirements for the Spring 2025, Summer 2025, and Fall 2025 terms.

Master of Arts

  • Points/Credits: 33
  • Entry Terms: Summer, Fall
  • Enrollment Formats: Full-Time, Part-Time

Application Deadlines

Entry Term AvailablePriority DeadlinesFinal DeadlinesExtended Deadlines
SummerJanuary 15, 2025April 1, 2025N/A
FallJanuary 15, 2025April 1, 2025N/A

Select programs remain open beyond our standard application deadlines, such as those with an extended deadline or those that are rolling (open until June or July). If your program is rolling or has an extended deadline indicated above, applications are reviewed as they are received and on a space-available basis. We recommend you complete your application as soon as possible as these programs can close earlier if full capacity has been met.

Application Requirements

 Online Degree Application, including Statement of Purpose and Resume
 Transcripts and/or Course-by-Course Evaluations for all Undergraduate/Graduate Coursework Completed
 Results from an accepted English Proficiency Exam (if applicable)
 $75 Application Fee
 Two (2) Letters of Recommendation
 Video essay required for all non-native English speakers (included in online application)

Requirements from the TC Catalog (AY 2023-2024)

Displaying catalog information for the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 terms.

View Full Catalog Listing

Master of Arts Degree in the Program in Sociology and Education – minimum of 33 points

Requirements for the M.A. program without the education policy option:

I. Core Courses (minimum 15 points)

A.  Foundational Coursework in Social Analysis of Education (6 points)

  • EDPS 4021 Sociology of Education (3) 

  • EDPS 4620 Introductory Colloquium in Sociology and Education (3) 

  • EDPS 5503 Classical Social Theory (3)

  • EDPS 5504 Contemporary Social Theory (3)

B.  Education and Social Inequality (minimum 3 points)

  • EDPS 4022 Sociology of Urban Education (3)

  • EDPP 5045 Race, Ethnicity and US Educational Policy (3) 

  • EDPS 4024 Social Stratification and Education (3)

  • EDPS 4032 Gender, Difference and Curriculum (3) 

  • C&T 4032 Gender, Difference and Curriculum (3) 

  • EDPS 5053 Race, Gender and Education (3)

  • ITSF 4060 Latinos in Urban Schools (3)

  • EDP 4023 Reimagining Education (3) (may be used either for Education and Social Inequality or Education and Social Change, but not both)          

C.  Education and Social Organization (minimum 3 points)

  • EDPS 4029 Sociology of Schools (3)

  • EDPS 4030 Sociology of Organizations (3) 

  • EDPS 5022 Sociology of Education Systems3) 

  • EDPS 4034 Organizing Schools for Diversity (3)

  • EDPA 6030 Institutional Theory: Sociological Perspectives on Institutional Change in Education (3)

  • EDPS 5005 Sociology of Teaching and Learning in Education (3) 

  • ITSF 5023 Family as Educator (3)

  • ITSF 5026 Family and Television (3)

  • ITSF 5120 Education in Community Settings (3) 

  • ITSF 5035 Social Analysis of International Large-Scale Assessments (3)

  • HUDK 4031 Sociology of Evaluation (3)

  • C&T 5004: School Change (3)

D.  Education and Social Change (minimum 3 points)

  • EDPS 4000 Education and Public Policy (3) 

  • EDPS 4028 Sociology of the Life Course (3) 

  • EDPS 5050 Ideology, Racial Politics, and Public Policy: Sociology of Knowledge (3)

  • HUDK 4011 Sociology of Online Learning (3) 

  • HUDK 5621 Technology and Society (3)

  • ITSF 5031 Education and Sustainable Development (3)

  • EDP 4023 Reimagining Education (3) (may be used either for Education and Social Inequality or Education and Social Change, but not both)


II.  Research Methods (9 points)

A.  Quantitative Research Methods (3 points)

  • EDPA 4002 Data Analysis for Policy & Decision Making I (3)

  • HUDM 4122 Probability and Statistical Inference (3)

B.  Qualitative Research Methods (3 points)

  • EDPS 5057 Qualitative Methods for Education Policy and Social Analysis (3)

  • ITSF 5000 Methods of Inquiry: Ethnography and Participant Observation (3) 

  • C&T 5502 Introduction to Qualitative Research in Curriculum and Teaching (3) 

  • ITSF 4092 Qualitative Research and Evaluation in International Education (3)

C.  Advanced Research Methods (3 points)

  • EDPA 5002 Data Analysis for Policy & Decision Making II (3) 

  • HUDM 5122 Applied Regression Analysis (3)

  • EDPA 4050 Logic & Design of Research in Educational Policy & Social Analysis (3) 

  • EDPS 5646 Evaluation of Educational and Social Programs (3)

  • ORL 5522 Evaluation Methods I (3)

  • HBSS 6100 Program Evaluation (3)

  • CUSSW T6416 Program Evaluation in Social Services (at Columbia School of Social Work) (3)

  • EDPS 5020 Survey Research Methods (3)

  • EDPE 6022 Econometric Methods for Policy Research and Program Evaluation (3)

  • EDPA 6002 Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Education Policies and Programs (3)

  • A&HL 4014 Discourse Analysis (3)

  • ITSF 5040 Mixed Methods for Disciplined Inquiry (3)

  • ITSF 5001 Ethnography and Participant Observation (3)


III.  Electives/Concentration (6-9 points)


IV. Culminating Integrative Experience (0-3 points)

Master’s comprehensive examination (0), or

Master’s integrative project and EDPS 6021 Master’s Integrative Project in Sociology and Education (1 point in the fall and 2 points in the spring, for a total of 3 points)


Additional requirements for the M.A. program with the policy concentration:

Choose one course from each of the following four categories:

I.  Foundational Studies in Education Policy

  • EDPS 4000 Education and Public Policy

  • EDP 5063 Seminar: U.S. Education Policy in Historic Perspective

II.  Policy Analysis

  • EDPA 5645 Craft of Policy Analysis 

  • EDPA 4047 Politics and Public Policy

  • EDPA 4048 Education Policy Analysis & Implementation

  • EDPE 4050 Economics of Education

III.  Program Evaluation

  • ITSF 4038 Monitoring and Evaluation

  • EDPS 5646 Evaluation of Educational and Social Programs 

  • ORL 5522 Evaluation Methods I

  • HBSS 6100 Program Evaluation

  • CUSSW T6416 Program Evaluation in Social Services (at Columbia School of Social Work)

  • EDPE 6022 Econometric Methods for Policy Research and Program Evaluation

  • EDPA 6002 Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Education Policies and Programs

IV. Topics in Education and Social Policy

  • EDP 4023 Reimagining Education

  • EDP 4036 Anti-Racist Curriculum, Pedagogy and Leadership Practices 

  • EDPA 4013 Education Policy and the Management of Instruction 

  • EDPA 4017 Topics in Higher Education Law

  • EDPA 4025 Higher Education Policy

  • EDPA 4033 Comprehensive Educational Opportunity 

  • EDPA 4046 School Finance Policy and Practice

  • EDPA 4086 Law and Education: Regulation, Religion, Free Speech and Safety 

  • EDPA 4199 Higher Education and Social Change

  • EDPA 4899 Federal Policy Institute

  • EDPA 5016 Educational Equality: The Rule of Law

  • EDPA 5023 Policymaking for Effective High School to College Transition 

  • EDPA 5086 Educational Policymaking and the Courts

  • EDPA 5880 School Law Institute

  • EDPA 6013 Early Childhood Development and Education

  • EDPA 6027 International Perspectives on Early Childhood Policy 

  • EDPA 4503 Schools, Courts, and Civic Participation

  • EDPE 4055 Resource Allocation in Education

  • EDPE 4058 Economics of Higher Education

  • EDPE 4155 Evaluating Educational Privatization and School Choice 

  • EDPE 4051 Education and Economic Development

  • EDPP 5041 Politics of Centralization and Decentralization

  • EDPP 5045 Race, Ethnicity and US Educational Policy 

  • C&T 4615 Young Children, Families and Social Policy 

  • C&T 5050 Education Policy: Prologue to the Future 

  • C&T 5074 Curriculum and Teaching Policy

  • HBSS 4112 Social Policy and Prevention 

  • ITSF 4060 Latinos in Urban Schools

  • ITSF 4098 Education Development Policies in China

  • ITSF 4160 Human Rights Education in Africa: Politics, Policies and Pedagogies 

  • ITSF 5006 International Education Policy Studies

  • ITSF 5035 Social Analysis of International Large-Scale Assessments 

  • ITSF 5031 Education and Sustainable Development

*Please note that all master's students must complete a culminating experience (See IV above).

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