Langer, Arthur M. (al261)

Arthur Mark Langer

Adjunct Full Professor
Chairman and Founder, Workforce Opportunity Services

Office Location:

536A GDodge

Office Hours:

Mondays 4-5 PM, or by appointment. 

Educational Background

  • B.A., Queens College, New York
  • M.B.A., Iona College
  • Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Dr. Arthur M. Langer is the Chairman and Founder of Workforce Opportunity Services. He is Professor of Professional Practice, Director of the Center for Technology Management, and Academic Director of the M.S. in Technology Management programs at Columbia University. He also serves on the faculty of the Department of Organization and Leadership at the Graduate School of Education (Teachers College). 

Dr. Langer is the author of Strategic Information Technology: Best Practices to Drive Digital Transformation (2nd Ed., 2018 with Lyle Yorks), Information Technology and Organizational Learning (3rd Ed., 2018), Guide to Software Development: Designing and Managing the Life Cycle (2nd Ed., 2016),  Analysis and Design of Information Systems (2007), Applied Ecommerce (2002), and The Art of Analysis (1997) and has published numerous articles and papers relating to service learning for underserved populations, IT organizational integration, mentoring and staff development.

Dr. Langer consults with corporations and universities on information technology, staff development, management transformation, and curriculum development around the globe. Prior to joining the full-time faculty at Columbia University, Dr. Langer was Executive Director of Computer Support Services at Coopers and Lybrand, General Manager and Partner of Software Plus, and President of Macco Software.

Scholarly Interests

Technology leadership, distance education, adult education, mentoring, faculty development, intellectual development and learning transformation theory, higher education and the design of technology-based curricula.

Selected Publications

Information Technology and Organizational Learning: Managing Change through Technology and Education (2nd Ed). New York: CRC Press

"Forms of workplace literacy using reflection-with-action methods: A scheme for inner-city adults." Reflective Practice (4), 3, 317-333

 "Adult education theory and family literacy practice." Family Literacy Forum (2), 1, 12-18

"Reflecting on practice: Using learning journals in higher and continuing education." International Journal of Teaching in Higher Education (7), 3, 337-351

"Fixing bad habits: Integrating technology personnel in the workplace." (International Journal of Reflective Practice)

"Confronting theory: The practice of mentoring non-traditional students at Empire State College." (International Journal of Mentoring and Tutoring)

Analysis & Design of Information Systems. (Springer-Verlag)

"Faculty assessment of mentoring roles." (All About Mentoring)

The Art of Analysis. (Springer-Verlag)

Academic Director & Sr Lecturer,
Executive Masters of Science in Technology Management, Columbia University School of Continuing Education

Faculty & Lecturer,
Dept of Decision, Risk, and Operations Management, Colubia University School of Business
Sr Director, Center of Technology, Innovation, and Community Engagement, Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science, Columbia University
Adjunct Associate Professor and Lecturer, Department of Organization and Leadership, Teachers College
Mondays 4-5 PM

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