Shockley, Carrie L. (cls2105)

Carrie Lenora Shockley

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Office Location:

201 Zankel

Office Hours:

By Appointment.

Educational Background

  • B.S., Hampton University – Business Management
  • M.B.A., Boston University – Graduate School of Management, Concentration:  Health Care Management
  • Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University - Adult Learning and  Leadership, Department of Organization and Leadership

Scholarly Interests

  • Professional Development and Career Ladder Opportunities for Health and Human Services Workers
  • Alignment of health policy and emerging HHS professions
  • Intersection of Experiential Learning and Health Behavior Change; Women’s Health
  • Supported entry (and return) to college for adult learners

Selected Publications

Lassiter, S., Shockley, C., Ebenstein, W. on behalf  of CUNY, Office of the University Dean for Health and Human Services (2013).  Emerging Career Pathways in the New York City Healthcare Workforce: Credited  College-Level Certificates for Assistive Health Personnel.

Shockley, C., Lassiter,  S., Ebenstein, W. on behalf of CUNY, Office of the University Dean for Health  and Human Services (2013). New York City Emerging Healthcare Workforce: Health  Homes Case Study Project.

Thompson, A. and Shockley, C.  (2013). Developing youth workers: Career ladders for sector stability. Children  and Youth Services Review, 35 (3), 447-452.

Shockley,  C. (2012) Women, meaning making and lifestyle change after a cardiac  event.  International Journal of Lifelong  Education, 31 (6), 799-815.

Shockley, C. and  Thompson, A., (2012). Youth workers in college: A replicable model for  professional development, Children and Youth Services Review, 34 (4), 735-739.

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