Tomasulo, Dan
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238A HMannOffice Hours:
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Faculty Expertise:
Scholarly Interests
Positive Psychology
Intellectual Disabilities
Educational Background
Ph.D. in psychology, Yeshiva University
MFA in writing, New School
Master of Applied Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania.
MA Child Development Fairleigh Dickenson University
Selected Publications
Tomasulo, D., & Tomasulo, D. F. (2024). Hope, Gratitude, and Love for Peace. In Peace Psychology and Character Strengths: Integrating Science and Practice (pp. 331-344). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Wright, P., Moseley, R., Tomasulo, D., Srinivasan, H., Wilson, J., Woods, S., & Rashid, T. (2024). Integrating Positive Psychology and Autism: A Roundtable. Autism in Adulthood.
Bryce, C. I., Goetzke, K., O’Brien, V., Espinoza, P., & Tomasulo, D. (2024). Promoting hope: preliminary investigation into a college-level hope curriculum. Journal of American College Health, 1-7.
Bates, F. C., Lipson, J., Ford, T., McGrath, R. E., Niemiec, R. M., Tomasulo, D., & Miller, L. (2023). Revising the VIA-Youth: II. The spirituality scale. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-6.
Niemiec, R. M., & Tomasulo, D. (2023). Character Strengths and Abilities Within Disabilities: Advances in Science and Practice. Springer Nature.
Tomasulo, D. (2023). The Positivity Effect: Simple CBT skills to Transform Anxiety & Negativity into Optimism and Hope. New Harbinger Publications.
Van Zyl, L. E., Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Llorens, S., Klibert, J., Van Den Heuvel, M., Mayer, C. H., ... & Tomasulo, D. (Eds.). (2022). Positive Psychological Interventions beyond WEIRD contexts: How, when, and why they work.
Tomasulo, D. (2020). Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression. New Harbinger Publications.
Tomasulo D.J. (2019) The Virtual Gratitude Visit (VGV): Using Psychodrama and Role-Playing as a Positive Intervention. In: Van Zyl L., Rothmann Sr. S. (eds) Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts. Springer, Cham
Tomasulo, D. J. (2019). A Happier Balance: Positive Interventions for Intentional Well-Being in Psychotherapy. In Scientific Concepts Behind Happiness, Kindness, and Empathy in Contemporary Society (pp. 91-111). IGI Global.
Szucs, A., Schau, C., Muscara, K., & Tomasulo, D. (2019) Character Strength Activation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Using Video Feedback in Groups. Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 8, No. 1; 2019
Tomasulo, D., (2018) American Snake Pit: Hope, Grit, and Resilience in the Wake of Willowbrook Fairfax, VA Stillhouse Press
Shogren, K. A., Niemiec, R. M., Tomasulo, D., & Khamsi, S. (2017). Character Strengths. In Handbook of Positive Psychology in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (pp. 189-199). Springer, Cham.
Tomasulo, D., Szucs, A (2016). The ACTing Cure: Evidence-based group treatment for people with intellectual disabilities. Dramatherapy. DOI:10.1080/02630672.2016.1162824
To link to this article:
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (2016), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Diagnostic Manual - Intellectual Disability (DM-ID): A Textbook of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability, Kingston, NY: NADD Press
Tomasulo, D. (2015). Perspective: Giving up when you can’t cut the mustard. In Polly, S. & Britton, K. H. (Eds.) (2015). Character Strengths Matter: How to Live a Full Life (Positive Psychology News). Positive Psychology News
Tomasulo, D. (2015), Inside. In Lee Gutkind (Ed.) Same Time Next Week: True Stories of Working Through Mental Illness (53-67). Pittsburgh, PA, In Fact Books
Tomasulo, D. (2014). Positive group psychotherapy modified for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 1744629514552153
Razza, N., Schwartz Dayan, L., Tomasulo, D., & S. Ballan, M. (2014). Intellectual disability and mental health: is psychology prepared?. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 8(6), 381-389.
Tomasulo, D. & Pawelski, J. (2012), Happily Ever After: The Use of Stories to Promote Positive Interventions, Psychology, 3, 1189-1195. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.312A176
Tomasulo, D. & Razza, N. (2011), Empirically Validated Treatment - Evidenced-Based Application of Psychodrama in Interactive-Behavioral Therapy, The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, 2011, Vol. 60, No.1
Razza, N., Tomasulo, D. J., & Sosbey, R. (2011), Group Psychotherapy for Trauma-related Disorders in People with Intellectual disabilities Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities Volume 5, issue 5.
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. J. (2011), Group Psychotherapy with Trauma Survivors Who Have Intellectual Disabilities, In R. Fletcher (Ed.), Psychotherapy for Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Kingston, NY: NADD
Tomasulo, D.J. and Razza, N.J.(2007) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2007). In Fletcher, R., Loschen, E., Stavrakaki, C., & First, M. (Eds.), Diagnostic Manual - Intellectual Disability (DM-ID): A Clinical Guide for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability. Kingston, NY: NADD Press
Tomasulo, D. (2006), Group Psychotherapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Interactive-Behavioral Model Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry Vol.59, #2
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (2005), Group Dynamics in the Treatment of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Optimizing Therapeutic Gain, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Aspects Developmental Disability 2005;8(1):22-28
Razza, N.& Tomasulo, D. (2005), Healing Trauma: The Power of Group Treatment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association
Honors and Awards
2024 Gardner Award. This esteemed recognition, presented by the National Center for START Services®, honors Dr. Tomasulo's exceptional contributions to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families.
2021/ 2022/ 2023 /2024 Medical News Today selected Learned Hopefulness, The Power of Positivity To Overcome Depression as the best book on positivity for depression
2022/ 2023 selected Learned Hopefulness, The Power of Positivity To Overcome Depression, as one of the best books by an expert on depression.
2021 Teaching Award, Teachers College, Columbia University
Sharecare: Top ten online influencers on the topic of depression. ShareCare is a collaboration among Jeff Arnold, the founder of WebMD; Emmy Award-winning host Mehmet Oz; M.D.; Harpo Studios; and Discovery Channels Inc.
2019, Winner, International Positive Psychology Association, Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Living in Your Strengths Avant-Garde Clinical Intervention on Self-compassion.
2017, Winner, International Positive Psychology Association, Conference, Montreal, Canada. The Virtual Gratitude Visit (VGV) Avant-Garde Clinical Intervention
2017, Special Recognition Award. START University of New Hampshire, for Clinical contributions to the field.
Since June-2017 Selected Screenplay Awards for American Snake Pit (Feature-length.)
1st Place Best Screenplay Drama or Comedy WNY Fame- / drama Sept. 2017
1st Place Best Historical Drama: American Filmatic Arts Awards December 2017
2nd Place Best Dramatic Feature Atlantic City Cinefest: Sept. 2017
3rd Place Best Screenplay Socially Relevant Film Festival New York
1st place WILDsound Feedback Film and Screenplay Festival (Table Read May, 2018)
1st Place Genre Grand Prize for Best Historical Drama—Las Vegas Screenwriting Contest
- Cannes Scriptwriting Contest, Best Historical Drama
- Hollywood Hills Screenplay Competition “Top Finalist” September, 2017
- The Grove Film Festival in Jersey City
- NY Film and TV Film Festival
- New York Screenplay Contest Official Finalist September Oct 2017
- Filmatic Screenplay Award NYC Top Finalist (Historical Drama)
- Toronto Nollywood International Film Festival October 2017
- World Series of Screenwriting (Historical / Biographical) November
- Film Daily (UK)
- Mammoth Pictures Screenplay Contest
- American Gem Literary Festival
- Art of Brooklyn Film Festival
2016, Finalist, American Snake Pit, The Southhampton Review Frank McCourt Memoir Prize
2012 Winner International RETHINK Theater Playwriting Competition, Negatively Oriented Therapy N.O.T. October 6-10, Auckland, New Zealand, for WHO World Mental Health Day
2011 N.J. City University Counseling Education Department, 2011 Friend of the Department student award
2010 Winner International RETHINK Theater Playwriting Competition, Sticks, Stones and the R Word, October 9-10, Auckland, New Zealand, for WHO World Mental Health Day
2009 Winner WRITTEN ART AWARD: Creative Nonfiction, Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir
2008 Merit-Based Award New Jersey City University for contributions to the university community
2005 State of New Jersey Healthcare Professional of the Year ARC of New Jersey, first psychologist to win the statewide award
2005 Healthcare Professional of the Year ARC of Monmouth County
2005 Scholar's Award American Society for Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama
2004 Winner New School University Chapbook Competition essay Kettle of Fish
2003 Honorable Mention American Markets Newsletter God’s Touch, A Reiki Story
1998 Innovators Award American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama for development of Interactive-Behavioral Therapy (IBT). This group therapy model is used internationally as a therapeutic modality for people with dual diagnosis (ID/MH).
1998 Master Teacher Brookdale College's Excellence in Teaching national training program for college teachers
Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Tomasulo, Ph.D., MFA, MAPP
Background encompasses years of successful clinical, academic, and leadership experience. Creative, award-winning author, dedicated educator/clinician with strong interpersonal, organizational, supervision and communication qualities. Skilled in a wide variety of innovative treatment modalities, including group psychotherapy, role-playing, psychodrama, sociodrama and positive psychotherapy. Experienced in the development and delivery of Internet-based learning programs. Demonstrated ability to interact effectively with students, faculty, administrators, editorial boards, clinicians, and trainees. Specialist in positive psychology and hope. Highly sought-after keynote speaker, workshop leader, and consultant.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, MAPP, Masters of Applied Positive Psychology, 2012 World’s first degree program in positive psychology. Developed research designs for measuring positivity in IBT groups, experiential workshops, and organizing evidenced-based, general public narrative, nonfiction book proposal on positive psychology.
New School University, New York, N.Y., MFA, Master of Fine Arts/Non-Fiction Writing, May, 2001 (University Chapbook winner in nonfiction)
Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y., Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, 1981
Dissertation: Effect of Bizarre Imagery on Memory as a Function of Cognitive Maturity
(Post-doctoral retraining in counseling psychology for licensure in New Jersey)
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, N.J., Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology, 1975
Springfield College, Springfield, MA, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, 1973
Academic Director / Coordinator / Core Faculty, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, 2020-present. The Spirituality Mind Body (SMB), Master of Arts Degree Program at Teachers College, Columbia University is the first Ivy League graduate program dedicated to merging spirituality and evidence-based research within the context of clinical psychology.
Columbia University, Teachers College, Core Faculty Spirituality Mind Body Institute, 2017-present Created and teach the Optimal Well-Being concentration within the SMBI program.
Columbia University, Teachers College, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 2016- present. Develop and teach 2 graduate courses in positive psychology/ positive interventions for treatment.
University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Instructor for Martin Seligman, Masters of Applied Positive Psychology, 2012-present. World’s first positive psychology degree program; developed by Martin Seligman, the Father of Positive Psychology. Assistant Instructor for James Pawelski, Director of Education and Senior Scholar Positive Psychology Center. Grade all class papers and mentor capstones for both courses.
New Jersey City University, Jersey City, N.J., Faculty Associate Professor, 2001-2016
Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology, including all phases of developmental psychology and group psychotherapy. Developed and teach the department’s first Web-enhanced online courses. Recently developed and taught a new graduate course on Supervision for Group Therapists. Designed and teach an undergraduate course in Positive Psychology. This is the first such course at the university level in the state of New Jersey.
Monmouth University, West Long Branch, N.J., Adjunct Professor, 1998-2004
Prepared lesson plans for a Group Process and Personality Development, and Group Psychotherapy courses at this private college. These are graduate-level experiential courses in group dynamics for the psychology and social work departments. Designed self-study interaction classes to foster a productive learning environment.
Teaching Fellowship:
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., Visiting Faculty, 1998-1999
Selected to participate in a yearlong teaching fellowship program: partnered with prominent social psychologist John Darley, Ph.D., to investigate the use of role-playing in teaching negotiating strategies. Designed innovative action methods to increase students’ understanding of cultural differences during negotiations. (See publication Culture in Action: Diversity Training with a Cultural Double The International Journal of Action Methods: Psychodrama, Skill Training, and Role Playing Vol 53, #2, 51-65.)
Brookdale College, Lincroft, N.J., Full Professor, 1980-2001
Planned, designed, and implemented introductory through advanced psychology courses (Human Development, Family Pathology, Group Dynamics, etc.) and researched, evaluated, and selected the supplemental educational materials, as well as created highly successful courses (including a Web-enhanced group dynamics class) and continuing education workshops for human service workers, therapists, certified alcoholism counselors, and other healthcare professionals (including care for the caregiver workshops).
Served as co-director for the college’s Human Service Program, developed and implemented interim programs, including a Certified Alcoholism Counseling Program, and reviewed internship requirements with 150+ agencies. Increased program participation in the Psychology Department through individualized instruction, effective teaching techniques, and the development of innovative programs.
Kripalu Center, Lenox, MA
Faculty for workshops on transpersonal psychology and psycho-spiritual development.
New Jersey Licensed Psychologist #2207
National Association for Dual Diagnosis Competency-Based Clinical Certification (NADD-CC)
Am. Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy, Trainer Education Practitioner (Developed, train, and supervise a training program for graduate students and therapists seeking certification.)
Certified Tibetan Buddhism tradition of Chöd: Feeding Your Demons™
Private Practice, New Jersey Licensed Psychologist, 1986-present
Provide individual, couple, and group therapy using a wide range of treatment modalities, including psychodrama and sociodrama techniques. Specialize in group psychotherapy with various populations, couple work, and individual psychotherapy. Extensive research, consulting, and clinical work with individuals with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric involvement: Dual diagnosis.
Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank, N.J., Staff Psychologist/Group Psychodramatist, 1984-1986
Co-facilitated a group therapy process for psychiatric outpatients.
Young Adult Institute, Group Home Manager, 1979-1980
Managed and coordinated daily activities for a residential facility with patients classified as intellectually disabled. Supervised and trained a staff of 30 professional and paraprofessional employees.
Association for Retarded Citizens (renamed ARC), Director/Grant Writer, Work Activity Training Center, 1974-1979
Served as director for the Title XX grant-funded program.
Executive Coaching/Trainer for Corporations, Small Businesses, Individuals
START Services University of New Hampshire. Clinical Consultant & Research Advisor for IDD programs throughout the USA.
Rutgers University/ Robert Woods Johnson, N.J. System of Care
Ongoing clinical staff training
Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College, Dubois, WY
Clinical Expert in Psychodrama 2014-2015
(Working to help trial lawyers with voir dire, opening statements, and closing arguments).
Saskatoon Teacher’s Education Association, Saskatchewan, Canada
Consultation of implementing features of positive education and positive parenting.
YAI National Institute for People with Disabilities, Psychological Consultant, 1990-Current
Conducted monthly training workshops for the largest service provider for this population in the United States.
Guest Associate Editor Editorial Board of Positive Psychology for Frontiers in Psychology
Review Editor, Editorial Board of Positive Psychology for Frontiers in Psychology
Review Editor, Editorial Board of Psychology in Clinical Settings for Frontiers in Psychology
Guest Editor Fall 2015 New Jersey Psychologist Special Edition on Positive Psychology
Blogger: Psychology Today The New Science of Hope and Hopefulness (The Healing Crowd)
Blogger: Infijoy: Positive Psychology
Lifedojo Scriptwriter, The Science of Happiness
Expert Blogger on Depression, Expert blogger on well-being lifestyle
Continuing Education Credit Course Developer, Positive Psychology (6 CEU reading course) Health Forum Online
Daily Blog, Ask The Therapist, (over 2000 publications) (2010-2020)
Blog, Proof Positive,, application of research in positive psychology for the general public. (most recent 50 articles listed:
Expert blogger on Group Psychotherapy, The Healing Crowd, Psychology Today
Executive Editor, Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy 2010-2012. Primary responsibilities included establishing guidelines, reviewing manuscripts, and setting policy for this new peer reviewed journal.
Secretary, Board of Trustees, N.J. YAI - National Inst. for People with Disabilities, 1998-2010
Executive Counsel, American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 2004-2008
Fellow, American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1997-present
Consulting Editor, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities, 1995-2008.
Consulting Editor, Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Sociometry and Psychodrama, 1992-2010.
Member Board of Directors, National Association for Dual Diagnoses, 2001-2002
Faculty Advisor, Brookdale Children's Center, 1986-2001
President, New Jersey Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1993-1995
2024 Gardner Award This esteemed recognition, presented by the National Center for START Services®, honors Dr. Tomasulo's exceptional contributions to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families.
2021 Teaching Award, Teachers College, Columbia University
Sharecare: Top ten online influencers on the topic of depression. ShareCare is a collaboration among Jeff Arnold, the founder of WebMD; Emmy Award-winning host Mehmet Oz; M.D.; Harpo Studios; and Discovery Channels Inc.
2019, Winner, International Positive Psychology Association, Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Living in Your Strengths Avant-Garde Clinical Intervention on Self-compassion.
2017, Winner, International Positive Psychology Association, Conference, Montreal, Canada. The Virtual Gratitude Visit (VGV) Avant-Garde Clinical Intervention
2017, Special Recognition Award. START University of New Hampshire, for Clinical contributions to the field.
Since June-2017 Selected Screenplay Awards for American Snake Pit (Feature-length.)
1st Place Best Screenplay Drama or Comedy WNY Fame- / drama Sept. 2017
1st Place Best Historical Drama: American Filmatic Arts Awards December 2017
2nd Place Best Dramatic Feature Atlantic City Cinefest: Sept. 2017
3rd Place Best Screenplay Socially Relevant Film Festival New York
1st place WILDsound Feedback Film and Screenplay Festival (Table Read May, 2018)
1st Place Genre Grand Prize for Best Historical Drama—Las Vegas Screenwriting Contest
- Cannes Scriptwriting Contest, Best Historical Drama
- Hollywood Hills Screenplay Competition “Top Finalist” September, 2017
- The Grove Film Festival in Jersey City
- NY Film and TV Film Festival
- New York Screenplay Contest Official Finalist September Oct 2017
- Filmatic Screenplay Award NYC Top Finalist (Historical Drama)
- Toronto Nollywood International Film Festival October 2017
- World Series of Screenwriting (Historical / Biographical) November
- Film Daily (UK)
- Mammoth Pictures Screenplay Contest
- American Gem Literary Festival
- Art of Brooklyn Film Festival
Semi – or Quarter finalist
- Diverse Voices WeScreenPlay contest in LA. June 15th 2017 (semi)
- PAGE International August 15th, 2017
- Bucharest Film Awards
- The Stage 32 (semi)
Official Selection
- Adapted Screenplay Contest August 1 2017
- Sutter Creek- Official Selection August 17th
- Awareness Film Festival (Oct 15)
Honorable Mention
- Colorado International Film Festival August 16th 2017
- Writer’s Digest 2017 contest August 25th
Selected Screenplay Awards for Rock Paper Sister (Short)
1st Place Best New Media Drama Hollywood Hills Screenplay competition September, 2017
1st Place Best Short The Poe Contest: Burning Love September 2017
Finalist: New York Screenplay Competition September 2017
Semi-Finalist Just 4 Shorts Film and Screenplay Competition September 2017
Finalist: American Gem Literary Festival, May 2018.
2016, Finalist, American Snake Pit, The Southhampton Review Frank McCourt Memoir Prize
2012 Winner International RETHINK Theater Playwriting Competition, Negatively Oriented
Therapy N.O.T. October 6-10, Auckland, New Zealand, for WHO World Mental Health Day
2011 N.J. City University Counseling Education Department, 2011 Friend of the Department student award
2010 Winner International RETHINK Theater Playwriting Competition, Sticks, Stones and the R Word, October 9-10, Auckland, New Zealand, for WHO World Mental Health Day
2009 Winner WRITTEN ART AWARD: Creative Nonfiction, Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition, Screenplay: The Participants
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition, Feature Article: Finding Your Voice Without Losing Your Mind
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition Feature Article: Spring Cleaning for the Soul
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition, Memoir: Love and Work
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition, Feature Article: Short Story Skin Deep
2008 Merit-Based Award New Jersey City University for contributions to the university community
2005 State of New Jersey Healthcare Professional of the Year ARC of New Jersey, first psychologist to win the statewide award
2005 Healthcare Professional of the Year ARC of Monmouth County
2005 Scholar's Award American Society for Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama
2005 Finalist New Millennium writing contest King of the Streetlights
2009 Honorable Mention Writer’s Digest Annual Competition, Feature Article Unplugged
2004 Winner New School University Chapbook Competition essay Kettle of Fish
2003 Honorable Mention American Markets Newsletter God’s Touch, A Reiki Story
1998 Innovators Award American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama for development of Interactive-Behavioral Therapy (IBT). This group therapy model is used internationally as a therapeutic modality for people with dual diagnosis (ID/MH).
1998 Master Teacher Brookdale College's Excellence in Teaching national training program for college teachers
American Psychological Association, Member,
American Society for Group Psychotherapy/Psychodrama, Fellow
National Association for Dually Diagnosed, Member (former board member)
New Jersey Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (President 1993-1995)
New Jersey Psychological Association, Member (Guest Editor / Positive Psychology Fall 2015)
International Positive Psychology Association, (Spirituality and Meaning Division Executive Comm.
Bryce, C. I., Goetzke, K., O’Brien, V., Espinoza, P., & Tomasulo, D. Promoting hope: Preliminary investigation into a college-level hope curriculum. Manuscript accepted for publication in The Journal of American College Health (In Press.)
Bates, F. C., & McGrath, R. E. (2024). Revising the VIA-Youth: III. scale unidimensionality and measurement invariance. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-7.
Niemiec, R. M., & Tomasulo, D. (2023). Character Strengths and Abilities Within Disabilities: Advances in Science and Practice. Springer Nature.
Tomasulo, D. (2023). The Positivity Effect: Simple CBT skills to Transform Anxiety & Negativity into Optimism and Hope. New Harbinger Publications.
Van Zyl, L. E., Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Llorens, S., Klibert, J., Van Den Heuvel, M., Mayer, C. H., ... & Tomasulo, D. (Eds.). (2022). Positive Psychological Interventions beyond WEIRD contexts: How, when, and why they work.
Tomasulo, D. (2020). Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression. New Harbinger Publications.
Tomasulo D.J. (2019) The Virtual Gratitude Visit (VGV): Using Psychodrama and Role-Playing as a Positive Intervention. In: Van Zyl L., Rothmann Sr. S. (eds) Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts. Springer, Cham
Tomasulo, D. J. (2019). A Happier Balance: Positive Interventions for Intentional Well-Being in Psychotherapy. In Scientific Concepts Behind Happiness, Kindness, and Empathy in Contemporary Society (pp. 91-111). IGI Global.
Szucs, A., Schau, C., Muscara, K., & Tomasulo, D. (2019) Character Strength Activation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Using Video Feedback in Groups. Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 8, No. 1; 2019
Tomasulo, D., (2018) American Snake Pit: Hope, Grit, and Resilience in the Wake of Willowbrook Fairfax, VA Stillhouse Press
Shogren, K. A., Niemiec, R. M., Tomasulo, D., & Khamsi, S. (2017). Character Strengths. In Handbook of Positive Psychology in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (pp. 189-199). Springer, Cham.
Tomasulo, D., Szucs, A (2016). The ACTing Cure: Evidence-based group treatment for people with intellectual disabilities. Dramatherapy. DOI:10.1080/02630672.2016.1162824
To link to this article:
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (2016), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Diagnostic Manual - Intellectual Disability (DM-ID): A Textbook of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability, Kingston, NY: NADD Press
Tomasulo, D. (2015). Perspective: Giving up when you can’t cut the mustard. In Polly, S. & Britton, K. H. (Eds.) (2015). Character Strengths Matter: How to Live a Full Life (Positive Psychology News). Positive Psychology News
Tomasulo, D. (2015), Inside. In Lee Gutkind (Ed.) Same Time Next Week: True Stories of Working Through Mental Illness (53-67). Pittsburgh, PA, In Fact Books
Tomasulo, D. (2014). Positive group psychotherapy modified for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 1744629514552153
Razza, N., Schwartz Dayan, L., Tomasulo, D., & S. Ballan, M. (2014). Intellectual disability and mental health: is psychology prepared?. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 8(6), 381-389.
Tomasulo, D. & Pawelski, J. (2012), Happily Ever After: The Use of Stories to Promote Positive Interventions, Psychology, 3, 1189-1195. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.312A176
Tomasulo, D. & Razza, N. (2011), Empirically Validated Treatment - Evidenced-Based Application of Psychodrama in Interactive-Behavioral Therapy, The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, 2011, Vol. 60, No.1
Razza, N., Tomasulo, D. J., & Sosbey, R. (2011), Group Psychotherapy for Trauma-related Disorders in People with Intellectual disabilities Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities Volume 5, issue 5.
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. J. (2011), Group Psychotherapy with Trauma Survivors Who Have Intellectual Disabilities, In R. Fletcher (Ed.), Psychotherapy for Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Kingston, NY: NADD
Tomasulo, D. J. (2010), Healing with Dreams in Psychodramatic Therapy, Dream Semantics
Tomasulo, D. J. and Razza, N. J. (2009), Empirical Validation of IBT for Clients with Intellectual Disabilities The Group Psychologist November 2009, Vol. 19, No. 3
Tomasulo, D. J. (2008), Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist’s Memoir, Mineapolis, MN. Graywolf
Tomasulo, D. J. and Razza, N. J. (2007), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (2007), In Fletcher, R., Loschen, E., Stavrakaki, C., & First, M. (Eds.), Diagnostic Manual - Intellectual Disability (DM-ID): A Textbook of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability. (Chapter 21) Kingston, NY: NADD Press
Tomasulo, D.J. and Razza, N.J.(2007) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2007). In Fletcher, R., Loschen, E., Stavrakaki, C., & First, M. (Eds.), Diagnostic Manual - Intellectual Disability (DM-ID): A Clinical Guide for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability. Kingston, NY: NADD Press
Tomasulo, D. (2006), Group Psychotherapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Interactive-Behavioral Model Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry Vol.59, #2
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (2005), Group Dynamics in the Treatment of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Optimizing Therapeutic Gain, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Aspects Developmental Disability 2005;8(1):22-28
Razza, N.& Tomasulo, D. (2005), Healing Trauma: The Power of Group Treatment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association
Tomasulo, D. (2004), Kettle of Fish, Chapbook competition winner, New School University, New York
Tomasulo, D. (2002), Momma and the Meaning of Life Academic Forum Vol. 10 (2), 20-24.
Tomasulo, D. (2002), Stopping the Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities. Vol. 5, No.1.16-21
Tomasulo, D. (2000), Culture in Action: Diversity Training with a Cultural Double, The International Journal of Action Methods: Psychodrama, Skill Training, and Role Playing, Vol 53, #2, 51-65
Tomasulo, D. (2000), Group Psychotherapy for People with Mental Retardation In Fletcher, R (Ed.) Therapy Approaches for Persons with Mental Retardation (pp. 65-85) Kingston, NY, NADD Press
Tomasulo, D. (1999), Getting to Hope: Role-playing in the Treatment of Denial, Resistance and Shame, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities Vol. 2, No.4 1-9
Tomasulo, D. (1999), Group Therapy for People with Mental Retardation: The Interactive Behavioral Therapy Model, In Wiener, D. Editor, Beyond Talk Therapy: Using Movement and Expressive Techniques in Clinical Practice, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Tomasulo, D. (1998), Action Methods in Group Psychotherapy: Practical Aspects, Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis
Hurley, A., Tomasulo, D., & Pfadt, A. (1998), Individual and Group Psychotherapy Approaches for Persons with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 10, 365-386
Tomasulo, D. (1998), Substance Abuse and Treatment for People with Mental Retardation: Who Will Do It? Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities
Tomasulo, D. (1997), Beginning and Maintaining a Group, Habilitative Mental Healthcare, 16, 41-48
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (1996a), The Sexual Abuse Continuum: Therapeutic Interventions with Individuals with Mental Retardation, Habilitative Mental Healthcare, 15, 19-22
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (1996b), The Sexual Abuse Continuum: Part 2, Therapeutic Interventions with Individuals with Mental Retardation, Habilitative Mental Healthcare, 15, 84-86
Razza, N. & Tomasulo, D. (1996c), The Sexual Abuse Continuum: Part 3, Therapeutic Interventions with Individuals with Mental Retardation. Habilitative Mental Healthcare, 15, 116-119
Hurley, A., Pfadt, A., Tomasulo, D., & Gardner, W. (1996), Counseling and Psychotherapy, In J. Jacobson & J. Mulick (Eds.), Manual of Diagnosis and Professional Practice in Mental Retardation, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Tomasulo, D. (1995), A Child’s World: Study Guide, Harcourt Brace Jovanavich
Tomasulo, D. J. (1982), Effects of Bizarre Imagery on Children's Memory, Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 2(2), 137-144
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the university's Positive Psychology Center. Past president of the American Psychological Association.
James O. Pawelski, Ph.D., Director of Education and Senior Scholar Positive Psychology Center University of Pennsylvania and Executive Director International Positive Psychology Association.
Robert Siroka, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Sociometric Institute in NYC and past president of The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama.
Robert Fletcher, DSW, Founder and CEO of the National Association for Dually Diagnosed.
Current Research
Character strength development in people with intellectual disabilities
Tonglen meditation
Psychodrama and Character Strengths
Active Professional Organizations
American Psychological Association, Member, Division 33- Member, Division 49 Group Dynamics; Member Div 46 Media Psychology
American Society for Group Psychotherapy/Psychodrama, Fellow
National Association for Dually Diagnosed, Member (former board member)
New Jersey Psychological Association, Member (Guest Editor / Positive Psychology Fall 2015)
International Positive Psychology Association, Member