Borland, James H. (jhb27)

Educational Background

B.A., Johns Hopkins University (English Literature)
Ph.D., Teachers College (Special Education w/ an emphasis on the education of gifted and research)

Dissertation Title: Cognitive Controls, Cognitive Styles, and Divergent Production Among Gifted Preadolescents.

Teaching Certification: Special Education (Elementary N-6 and Secondary English) for New York State;
Special Education for Pennsylvania

Scholarly Interests

Education of gifted students. Economically disadvantaged gifted students. Conceptions of giftedness.

Selected Publications

Planning and Implementing Programs for the Gifted (Teachers College Press).

Rethinking Gifted Education (Teachers College Press).

"Gifted education and the threat of irrelevance" (Journal for the Education of the Gifted).

"Identifying young, potentially gifted, economically disadvantaged students" (Gifted Child Quarterly).

"The construct of giftedness" (Peabody Journal of Education).


Staff Development, Programs for the Gifted
New York City School Districts 3, 8, 12, 17, 19, 27
Bronx Zoo
Association of Teachers in Independent Schools, New York City
Hunter College Campus Schools, New York City
New York City Urban Coalition
Teacher Center, Hunter College, New York City

Development of Programs for the Gifted
New York City School District 3

Evaluation of Programs for the Gifted
New York City School Districts 3 and 27
New York Botanical Garden
National Training and Evaluation Center, New York, NY
Hunter College (Evaluation of Javits Grant Project)

Media Consultancies and Appearances
J.C. Crimins Company, New York, NY
Readers Digest, New York, NY
Newsweek on Air (Radio program), New York, NY
WABC-TV, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, New York, NY
WOR-TV, New York, NY

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