Roberts, Katherine J. (kjr20)

Katherine Jean Roberts

Adjunct Full Professor

Office Location:

531 Building 528

Educational Background

Ed.D. in Health Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
M.S. in Health Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
M.P.H. in Sociomedical Sciences - Health Promotion/Disease Prevention from Columbia University
B.S. in Community Health Education from Ithaca College

Scholarly Interests

Evaluation of school-based programs
Research and evaluation of social and emotional learning and health education programs
Research on quality of life issues of cancer survivors

Selected Publications

Roberts, K.J. & Omaits, E. (2023). Evaluation of a virtual health equity training for mid-career primary healthcare providers. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development10, 23821205231219614.

Oommen, A.M., Roberts, K.J., Joshi, L. Cunningham, S. (2023). Transcriptomic analysis of glycosylation and neuroregulatory pathways in rodent models in response to psychedelic molecules. Int. J. Mol. Sci,24, 1200. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021200

Seo, G.T., Urken, M.L., Wein, L.E., Saturno, M.P., Kapustin, D. Xing, M.H., Yue, L.E., Dowling, E.M., Revenson, T.A., Roberts, K.J., Tuttle, R.M. (2023). Psychological adjustment to initial treatment for low-risk thyroid cancer: Preliminary study. Head & Neck, 45(2):439-448. doi: 10.1002/hed.27265 

Harb, A., Roberts, K.J., McCarthy, J., Koch, P. (2022). Comparison of missing school meals among public schools:  How did New York State do during COVID-19? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1-11. doi:10.3390/ijerph19105838

Donnelly, J., Young, M. & Roberts, K.J. (2021). Advocates and researchers working together to improve school health education. Journal of Health Education Teaching, 21(1), 28-35.

Roberts, K.J. (2021). The intersection of health education and school nursing. In Loschiavo, J. School Nursing: The essential reference. (pp.41-53). Springer Publishing Co.

Marshall, B. & Roberts, K.J. (2021). Bullying in the school setting. In Loschiavo, J. School Nursing: The essential reference. (pp.41-53). Springer Publishing Co.

Figueroa, R., Bean, M. Nock, N., St. George, S., Rosenberg, D., Soriano, E., Roberts, K.J., Buscemi, J.  (2021). Position statement:  Increasing diet quality through pandemic-EBT benefits, SNAP and school meals during and after COVID-19. Society for Behavioral Medicine.

Roberts, K.J. (2020). Data analysis.  In Marshall, B. Fast facts to loving your research project (pp. 177-190). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.

Roberts, K.J. (2020). Reliability and validity.  In Marshall, B. Fast facts to loving your research project (pp. 117-128). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.

Ventura, J.D., Charrette, A.L., & Roberts, K.J. (2019). The effect of a low-cost body weight-supported treadmill trainer on walking speed and joint motion. Medicina55(8), 420. doi:10.3390/medicina55080420

Guerra, L. A., Rajan, S. & Roberts, K.J. (2019). The implementation of mental health policies and practices in schools: An examination of school- and state-factors. Journal of School Health, 89,328-338. doi: 10.1111/josh.12738

Lepore, S. J. & Roberts, K.J. (2019). Prostate cancer. In Llewellyn, C., Ayer, S., McManus, C., Newman, S., Petrie, K., Revenson, T.A. & Weinman, J. (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of psychology, health and medicine (3rd ed.) (pp. 446-447). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Rajan, S., Roberts, K.J., Guerra, L., Pirsch, M. & Morrell, E. (2017). Integrating health education efforts into core curriculum classrooms: Successes, challenges, and implications for urban middle schools. Journal of School Health, 87(12), 949-957. doi: 10.1111/josh.12563.

Roberts, K.J., Revenson, T.A., Urken, M.L., et al. (2016). Testing with feedback improves comprehension in multimedia medical informed consent.  Patient Education & Counseling, 99(8):1377-81.  doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.03.014

Haser, G.C., Tuttle, R.M., Su, H.K., Alon, E.E., Bergman, D., Bernet, V., Brett, E., Cobin, R., Dewey, E.H., Doherty, G., Dos Reis, L.L., Harris, J., Klopper, J., Lee, S., Levine, R.A., Lepore, S.J., Likhterov, I., Lupo, M.A., Machac, J., Mandel, S.J., Machac, J., Mechanick, J.I., Mehra, S., Milas, M., Orloff, L., Randolph, G., Revenson, T.A., Roberts, K.J., Ross, D.S., Rowe, M.E., Smallridge, R, Terris, D, Tufano, R.P., Urken, M.L. (2016). Active surveillance for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: New challenges and opportunities for the health care system. Endocrine Practice, 22(5):602-11. doi: 10.4158/EP151065.RA

Basch, C.H., Roberts, K.J., Zagnit, E.A., & Martinex, A. (2016). Marketing strategies used to promote children’s medicine sold on internet sites of pharmaceutical stores. Journal of Community Health, 41: 1212:1216. doi: 10.1007/s10900-016-0205-7

Glaser, D., Roberts, K.J., Grosskopf, N.A, Basch, C.H. (2016). An evaluation of the effectiveness of school-based breastfeeding education. Journal of Human Lactation, 32(1): 46-52. doi: 10.1177/0890334415595040

Basch, C.H., Roberts, K.J., Samayoa-Kozlowsky, S., & Glaser, D.B. (2016). Promoting weight loss methods in parenting magazines: implications for women. Women & Health,56(1): 119-28. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2015.1074641

Basch, C.H., Roberts, K.J., Ethan, D., & Samayoa-Kozlowsky, S. (2015). An examination of marketing techniques used to promote children’s vitamins in parenting magazines. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(3), 171-6. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n3p171

Lepore, S.J., Revenson, T.A., Roberts, K.J., Prankikoff, J.R., Davey, A. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of expressive writing and quality of life in men and women treated for colon or rectal cancer. Psychology and Health, 30(3): 284-300. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2014.971798.

Marshall, B.L., Roberts, K.J., Donnelly, J., Rutledge, I. (2011). Attitudes towards campus policies regarding alcohol use among college students.  Journal of Drug Education, 40(4), 345-358. doi: 10.2190/DE.41.4.a.

Roberts, K.J., Lepore, S.J., Hanlon, A.L, Helgeson, V. (2010). Genitourinary functioning and depressive symptoms over time in younger versus older men treated for prostate cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40(3), 275-283. doi: 10.1007/s12160-010-9214-4.

Lepore, S.J., Glaser, D.B., Roberts, K.J., (2008).  On the positive relation between received social support and negative affect: A test of the triage and self-esteem threat models in women with breast cancer.  Psycho-Oncology, 17(12), 1210-5. doi: 10.1002/pon.1347.

Roberts, K.J., Roberts, K.J., Urken, M. (2008). Quality of life after thyroid cancer: An assessment of patient needs and preferences for information and support. J Cancer Educ, 23(3), 186-191. doi: 10.1080/08858190802247762.

Lepore, S. J., Roberts, K.J., (2007). Prostate cancer. In S. Ayer, A. Baum, C. McManus, K. Wallston, J. Wienman & R. West (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of psychology, health and medicine (2nd ed.) (pp. 607-609). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Roberts, K.J., Lepore, S. J., & Helgeson, V. (2006). Social-cognitive correlates of adjustment to prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 15(3), 183-192. doi: 10.1002/pon.934


Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)
Certified in Public Health (CPH)
Certified Instructor of Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)
Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, Cornell University
Certified Biodynamic Gardener
Certified Local Board of Health Member, New Jersey Local Boards of Health Association, Inc.

Researcher and Evaluator for multiple state and federal grants including:
  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  • New York State Recover from COVID School Program Grants (RECOVS)
  • Mental Health Awareness Training
  • Extended Learning Time programs
  • Safe Schools/Healthy Students grant
  • Drug Free Communities Support Program
  • THANC (Thyroid, Head and Neck Cancer) Foundation
    Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) for Creating Resources Uplifting Nutrition, Culture, and Health at Lunch (CRUNCH Lunch)

Roberts, K.J., Omaits, E. (April 2022). Virtual health equity training for mid-career primary healthcare providers: Can it reduce implicit bias? Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

Guerra, L.A., Roberts, K.J., Soyeju, S., Beairsto, S., Yang, C., Wiegandt-Rohde, A., & Li, X. (July 2020). Culturally adapting nutrition education in a food pantry setting.  Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Conference of Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Roberts, K.J. & Guerra, L.A. (March 2019). Reducing victimization is music to our ears. Poster presented at the 40h Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Glaser, D.B., Roberts, K.J., Dotson, L.E., Marler, J., Utley, D.S. & Patrick, H. (March 2019). Evaluating coaching quality within a digital smoking cessation program. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Lepore, S.J., Revenson, T.A., Roberts, K.J., Davis, S.N., Kaynak, O., & Zimmerman, C. (March 2019). Cognitive processing without social constraints linked to posttraumatic growth among colorectal cancer survivors. Poster presented at the 40h Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Ventura, J.D., Roffee, S., Lilley, R.W, Roberts, K.J. & Charrette, A.L. (July 2018). A low-cost bodyweight support system to improve gait. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Wenham, MA.

Roberts, K.J. & Guerra, L.A. (April 2018). Implementation of a social-emotional program to improve school connectedness. Presentation at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

Panjwani, A.A., Roberts, K.J., Cipollina, R., Revenson, T.A. (March 2018). Fraud in an online survey study of parents of adolescents and young adults with cancer. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.

Ventura, J.D., Charrette, A.L., Roberts, K.J., Roffee, S., Lilley, R.W. (October 2017). The effect of the Accessportamerica gait trainer on walking and join range of motion. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Providence, RI.

Guerra, L.A., Roberts, K.J. & Rajan, S. (May 2017). The implementation of mental health policies and practices in schools: An examination of school- and state-factors. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.

Guerra, L.A., Roberts, K.J. & Rajan S. (December 2016). Impact of having a certified health education teacher on implementation of school mental health policies and practices. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Washington, DC.

President/Evaluator, Interactive Health, LLC, 1999-present
Founded Interactive Health LLC, a research and evaluation consulting company that provides independent evaluation services on state and federal grant initiatives.  Services include collecting and analyzing comprehensive sets of data, instrument design, survey administration, creation of statistical reports, developing communications materials, and writing performance reports. 

Society for Behavioral Medicine
Society for Prevention Research
American Educational Research Association
American Evaluation Association
American Public Health Association
Society for Public Health Education

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