Miller, Lisa J. (lfm14)

Lisa Jane Miller

Professor of Psychology and Education
Founder of the Spirituality, Mind, Body Institute (SMBI) NYT Bestselling Author, The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain

Office Location:

525 West 120th Street

Educational Background

Yale University, B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Distinction in Psychology

University of Pennsylvania, M.S., Ph.D.

Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Post-doctoral 

Scholarly Interests

Spirituality, Mental Health and Thriving: basic science and clinical science on spirituality, neural correlates and biological correlates of spirituality, spiritually integrated treatment and wellness interventions, depression and substance abuse, related risk factors and protective factors, wellness and mental health, deepening education at K-12 and University levels.

Selected Publications


Miller, L. (2015) The Spiritual Child; The New Science of Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving. Macmillan: New York.

Miller, L.  (2012)  The Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality.  Oxford University Press: New York, NY.

Peer Reviewed Research Articles

McClintock, C., Worhunsky, P., Xu. J., Balodis, I., Sinha, R., Miller, L., Potenza, M. (2019) Spiritual Experiences are Related to Engagement of the Ventral Frontotemporal Functional Brain Network; Implications for Prevention and Treatment of Behavioral and Substance Disorders.  Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(4), 678-691.

Kor, A., Pirutinsky, S.,  Mikulincer, M., Shoshani, A., Miller, L. (2019)   A Longitudinal Study of Spirituality, Character Strengths, Subjective Well Being and Pro-Sociality in Middle School Students,  Frontiers Psychology (27),

McClintock, C., Anderson, M., Svob, C., Wickramaratne, P, Miller L., Weissman, M. (2019) Multidimensional Understanding of Religiosity/Spirituality; Relationship to Major Depression and Family Risk, Psychological Medicine, 49(14), 2379-2388.

Miller, L., Balodis, I., McClintock, C. Xu J., Lacadie, CS., Sinha, R., Potenza, M (2018) Neural Correlates of Personal Spiritual Experience. Cerebral Cortex, 29 (6), 2331-2338.

Barton, Y., Barkin, S., Miller, L. (2017) Deconstructing Depression: A Latent Class Analysis of Potential Subtypes in Emerging Adults.  Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4(1), 1-21.

Anderson, M., Miller, L., Wickramaratne, P., Svob, C., Odgerel, Z., Weissman, M. (2017)  Genetic Correlates of Spirituality/Religion and Depression; A Study of Offspring and Grandchildren at High and Low Risk for Depression. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4(1), 32-42.

Miller, L., Barton, Y. (2015) Developmental Depression; A Potential Sub-Type based upon Neural Correlates and Comorbidity.  Journal of Religion and Health, 54 (3),  817-828.

Barton, Y., Miller L. (2015) Spirituality and Positive Psychology Go Hand in Hand; An Investigation of Multiple Empirically Derived Profiles and Related Protective Benefits. Journal of Religion and Health, 54 (3), 829-843.

Mastriopieri, B, Shussel, L. Forbes, D., Miller, L. (2015) Inner Resources for Survival; Integrating Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Spiritual Visualization with Homeless Youth.  Journal of Religion and Health, 54 (3), 903-921.

Barken, S., Miller, L., Luthar, S. (2015) Filling the Void; Spiritual Development Among Adolescents of the Affluent. Journal of Religion and Health, 54 (3), 844-861.

Miller, L. (2014)  Spiritual Awakening and Depression in Adolescents: Two Sides of One Coin,  Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 77(4), 332-348.

Miller, L., Bansal, R., Wickramaratne, P., Tenke, C., Weissman, M., Peterson, B. (2014)  Neuroanatomical Correlates of Religion and Spirituality: A Study of Adults and High and Low Familial Risk for Depression, Journal of the American Medical Association, Psychiatry, 71(2), 128-135.

Tenke, C., Kayser, Miller, L. Warner, V., Wickramaratne, P., Weissman, M. Bruner, G. (2013)  Neuronal Generators of Posterior EEG reflect individual differences in prioritizing personal spirituality. Biological Psychiatry, 94 (2), 426-432.

Schussel, L., Miller, L. (2013) Best-Self Visualization Method with High-Risk Youth.  Journal of Clinical Psychology (69), 1-10. 

Barton, Y., Miller, L., Wickmaratne, P., Weissman, M. (2013).  Religious Attendance and Social Adjustment as Protective Against Depression: A Ten-Year Prospective Study.  Journal of Affective Disorders, (1), 53-57. 

Miller, L., Wickramaratne, P., Tenke, C., Weissman, M. (2012) Spirituality and Major Depression: A Ten-Year Prospective Study, American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 169 (1), 89-94.

Lisa Miller, Ph.D. is Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology, as well as the Director of the Spirituality & Mind Body Institute.

Dr. Miller is Editor of the Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology & Spirituality and Editor-in-Chief of Spirituality in Clinical Practice (APA Journal).  She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and has been awarded the Virginia Sexton Mentoring Award from APA.

Dr. Lisa Miller obtained her B.A. from Yale University and her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania where she studied under Dr. Martin Seligman. Her research and scholarly interests are in spirituality and mind-body pathways to wellness, basic science at multiple levels of analysis on spirituality development, and prevention and treatment interventions for children and adolescents in poverty, increased access to treatment among low SES populations, intergenerational transmission of risk and resilience factors, and development of spirituality in children and adolescents.  Dr. Miller's lab over the past fifteen years has been funded by a William T. Grant Faculty Scholars Award, an NIMH K-Award and a number of corporate and family foundations. 
You can find out more information about the Spirituality and Psychology laboratory by visiting:

Miller, L. (2014)  Spiritual Awakening and Depression in Adolescents: Two Sides of One Coin.,  Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 77(4), 332-348.

Miller, L., Bansal, R., Wickramaratne, P., Tenke, C., Weissman, M., Peterson, B. (2014)  Neurocorrelates of Spirituality and Depression, Journal of the American Medical Association, Psychiatry, 71(2), 128-135.

Zoogman, S., Goldberg, S., Hoyt, W., Miller, L. (2014)  Mindfulness Interventions with Youth: A Meta-Analysis, Mindfulness,  Published ahead  online,

Tenke, C., Kayser, Miller, L. Warner, V., Wickramaratne, P., Weissman, M. Bruner, G. (2013)  Neuronal Generators of Posterior EEG reflect individual differences in prioritizing personal spirituality. Biological Psychiatry, 94 (2), 426-43.

Schussel, L., Miller, L. (2013)  Best-Self Visualization Method with High-Risk Youth.  Journal of Clinical Psychology (69), 1-10.

Barton, Y., Miller, L., Wickmaratne, P., Weissman, M. (2013).  Religious Attendance and Social Adjustment as Protective Against Depression: A Ten Year Prospective Study.  Journal of Affective Disorders, (1), 53-57.

Miller, L.  (2012)  The Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality.  Oxford University Press: New York, NY.

Miller, L., Wickramaratne, P., Tenke, C., Weissman, M.  (2012)  Spirituality and Major Depression: A Ten-Year Prospective Study, American Journal of Psychiatry, 169 (1), 89-94.

Jacobs, M., MIller, L., Wickramaratne, P., Weissman, M. (2011).  Family Religion and Depression in Offspring at High Risk, Journal of Affective Disorders, 136 (3), 320-327.

Desrosiers, A., Kelley, B, Miller, L. (2011).  Parent and Peer Relations and Relational Spirituality in Adolescents and Young Adults.  Psychology of Religion and Spiritualtiy, 3(1), 39-51.l

Miller, L. (2010).  Watching for Light: Spiritual Psychology Beyond Materialism, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Vol 2(1), 35-66.

Miller, L. (2009) The Classroom as a Spiritual Space. Teachers College Record, Vol 111 (12) 2705-2786.

Desrosiers, A., Miller, L. (2009)  Substance Use versus Anxiety in Adolescents; Are Some Disorders More Spiritual than Others?, Journal for the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 19, 237-254.

Semple, R., Lee, J., Derosa, D., Miller, L. (2009)  A Randomized Trail of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 240-254.

Miller, L. (2008).   Spiritual Psychology and Parenthood.  In Comas-Diaz, L. & Rayburn, C. (Eds): Woman's Soul: The Inner Life of Women's Spirituality. (pp. 122-148) Westport, CT: Greenleaf  Press

Miller, L. (2008)  Spirituality and Resilience in Adolescent Girls,  In Kline, K. (Ed.): Authoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing the Whole Child. (pp.295-302) New York: Springer.

Kelley, B., Miller, L. (2007)  Life Satisfaction and Spirituality in Adolescents, Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 18,  233-261. 

Miller, L. (2006)  Spirituality Health and Medical Care of Children and Adolescents,  Southern Medical Journal, 99(10),  1164-1165.  


Miller, L. (2005) "Spiritual Awareness Psychotherapy, American Psychological Association Psychotherapy Training Series." American Psychological Association; Washington, DC.

Miller, L. & Gur, M., (2001) Physical Maturation, Depression and religiosity among adolescent girls. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Miller, L., & Weissman, M. (2001) Interpersonal psychotherapy delivered over the telephone, Depression. (In Press)
Miller, L., Weissman, M., Gur, M. & Greenwald, S. (2001). Adult religiosity and childhood depression: eleven-year follow-up on childhood depressives, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Miller, L. Weissman, M., Gur, M., Adams, P., (2001). Religiosity and substance use among children of opiate addicts. Journal of Substance Abuse.
Miller, L. (2001) Spiritual orientation in psychotherapy. In L. Sperry (Ed.)., Incorporating the Spiritual Dimension in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Taylor & Francis.
Miller, L., Davies, M., & Greenwald, S. (2000) Religiosity and substance use and abuse among adolescents in the NCS. Journal of the American Academy of child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 1190-1197.
Miller, L. & Richards, P. S. (2000) Religion & optimism. In E. Chang (Ed.), Optimism & Pessimism; Implications for Theory, Research & Practice, APA Books.
Miller, L. (2000) Intergenerational transmission of religiosity. In J. Gillham (Ed.), The Psychology of Optimism & Hope, APA Books.
Miller, L. & Lovinger, R. (2000) Conservative and reform Judaism. In A. Bergin, & P. S. Richards (Eds.), Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity; A Guide for Mental Health Professionals (Invited Chapter), APA Books, pp. 259-286.
Lovinger, S., Miller, L., & Lovinger, R. (1999). Some clinical applications of religious development in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 22, 269-277.
Miller, L., & Lovinger, R. (1999). Conservative and reform Judaism, in A. Bergin, & S. P. Richards (Eds.), Psychotherapy and religious diversity: A guide for mental health professionals, Washington, DC: APA Books.
Miller, L., & Seligman, M. (1999). Beliefs about responsibility and improvement associated with liberalism-conservatism. Psychological Reports, 84, 329-338.
Miller, L., Sung, S. & Seligman, M. (1999) Beliefs about responsibility and improvement associated with success among Korean American immigrants, Journal of Social Psychology, 139(2), 221-228.
Miller, L., Warner, V., Wickramaratne, P. & Weissman, M. (1999) Self-steem & depression; Ten year follow?up of depressed mothers and offspring, Journal of Affective Disorders, 52, 42-49
Miller, L. (1998) Depression among pregnant adolescents: Letter to the editor. Psychiatric Services, 49, 970.
Miller, L. (1998, August). Developmental religiosity among adolescent girls. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, L. (1998, February). On Optimism and hope in adolescents. Discussant at the John Templeton foundation conference on optimism and hope in honor of Martin E. P. Seligman, Philadelphia, PA.
Miller, L. (1999). Intergenerational transmission of religiosity. In J. Gillham (Ed.), The psychology of optimism and hope. Radnor, PA: Templeton Press.
Miller, L., & Weissman, M. (2000). Religion and depression (Letter to the Editor). American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 808-809.

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