Brewster, Melanie E. (meb2222)

Melanie Elyse Brewster

Professor of Counseling Psychology
Co-Founder of the Sexuality, Women, & Gender Project Not interviewing new Ph.D. students to enroll in Fall 2025

Office Location:

328C HMann

Office Hours:

Wednesdays 3:00-5:00pm

Educational Background

University of Florida (APA accredited), Ph.D Counseling Psychology

Concentration: Sexuality, gender, and race


University of Utah (APA accredited), Pre-doctoral Clinical Internship

University of Florida, M.S. Psychology

University of Florida, B.S. Psychology                  

University of Florida, B.A. Criminology

Scholarly Interests

  • Psychological correlates of minority stress for marginalized groups in the United States (i.e., queer people, people of color)
  • Atheism and nonreligious identities
  • Collective action and community engagement
  • Measurement development and evaluation

Selected Publications


Brewster, M.E. (2014). Atheists in America. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.


For a more recent and frequently updated catalogue of my articles, please check out my personal website or google scholar profile

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