Naraian, Srikala (sn2306)

Srikala Naraian

Professor of Education
Program Director

Office Hours:

SPRING 2025 Tuesday - 3:00-4:30 pm and Wednesday - 3:30-5:00 pm (on Zoom)

Educational Background

  • B.A. English, Madras University
  • M.A. Special Education, Michigan State University
  • Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Scholarly Interests

disability studies in education; inclusive education; education of students with significant disabilities; inclusive education in international contexts; teacher preparation for inclusive education; qualitative inquiry

Selected Publications


Amrhein, B. & Naraian, S. (2022) Reading Inclusion Divergently: Articulations From Around The World. Emerald Publishing.

Naraian, S. & Schlessinger, S. (2021) Narratives of Inclusive Teaching: Stories of “becoming” in the field. Peter Lang

Naraian, S. (2017). Teaching for inclusion: Eight Principles for Effective and Equitable Practice. In A. J. Artiles and E. B. Kozleski (eds.) Disability, Culture and Equity book series. Teachers College Press.


Selected Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:

Naraian, S. & Gabel, S. (2022). Explorations of posthumanist methodology for disability studies in education (DSE) research, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 36 (2), 173-185.

Naraian, S. (2021). Making inclusion matter: Critical disability studies and teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(3), 298-313

Naraian, S. (2020). What does inclusion mean in the post-human era? Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 1, 1-21.

Naraian, S., Chacko, M., Feldman, C. & Schwitzman, T. (2020). Emergent concepts of inclusion in the context of committed school leadership. Education and Urban Society, 52(8), 1238-1263.

Naraian, S. (2019). Precarious, debilitated, ordinary: Rethinking (in)capacity for inclusion. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(4), 464-484.

Naraian, S., Newhouse, K. & Leeper, R. (2019). ‘The more I use the technology, I know what I’m capable of doing’: Access and the discourse of capacity. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 21(1), 207–217.

Naraian, S., Chacko, M., Feldman, C. & Schwitzman, T. (forthcoming). Emergent concepts of inclusion in the context of committed school leadership. Education and Urban Society.

Naraian, S. & Schelssinger, S. (2018). Becoming an inclusive educator: Agentive maneuverings in collaboratively taught classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 179-189.

Naraian, S. & Schelssinger, S. (2017). When theory meets the “reality of reality”: Reviewing the sufficiency of the social model of disability as a foundation for teacher preparation for inclusive education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 44(1), 81-100.

Naraian, S. (2016). Spatializing student learning to re-imagine the “place” of inclusion. Teachers College Record118(12) 1-46.

Naraian, S. & Khoja-Moolji, S. (2016, published online). Happy places, horrible times and scary learners: Affective performances and sticky objects in inclusive classrooms. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(9).

Naraian, S. (2016, published online). “Real” reading:  Reconciling explicit instruction with inclusive pedagogy in a fourth grade classroom. Urban Education.

Naraian, S. (2016, published online). Inclusive education complexly defined for teacher preparation: The significance and uses of errorInternational Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(9).

Naraian, S. (2015). New linkages for a complex inclusive education: Third World feminism, disability studies and post-positivist realism. In S. Danforth and P. Jones (eds.) Foundations of Inclusive Education Research (pp. 101-114). Emerald Publishing.

Naraian, S. (2015). Uncertainty as a foundation for change. Teachers College Record, 117 (10), 1-6.

Danforth, S. & Naraian, S. (2015). This new field of inclusive education: Beginning a dialogue on conceptual foundations. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 53(1), 70-85.

Naraian, S. & Surabian, M. (2014). New Literacy studies: An alternate frame for preparing teachers to use assistive technology. Teacher Education and Special Education, 37(4), 330-346.

Naraian, S. (2014). Agency in real time? Situating teachers' efforts towards inclusion in the context of local and enduring struggles. Teachers College Record, 116(6).

Naraian, S, & Oyler, C. (2014). Professional development for special education reform: Re-articulating experiences of urban educators. Urban Education, 49(5), 499-526.

Naraian, S.  (2013). Dis/ability, agency and context: A differential consciousness for doing inclusive education. Curriculum Inquiry, 43(3), 360-387.

Naraian, S. (2011). Pedagogic voicing: The struggle for participation in an inclusive classroom. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 42(3), 245-262.

Naraian, S. (2011). Teacher discourse, peer relations and significant disability: Unraveling one friendship story. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(1), 97-115.

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